Qatar Fifa World Cup 2022: Is it worth $220 billion?

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Ummm México held the world cup twice??


They have a surplus amounts of money. That is their answer to everything and unfortunately were able to still host it. Hopefully it's the first and last time hosting the world cup.


It’s soooo expensive and they didn’t even pay their workers! Wow, just imagine if they also did that!


empty seats, poor fan treatment, outdated stadiums, its a disaster for that money


this is an example.

1. economics collapse to prime minister print money for economics stable & price rate stable.

2. more money in public & price rate high to prime minister money block only high value note block like ₹2000, ₹500 for economics stable & price rate stable.


omg, thats what i thought too, issue is, that they didnt actually spend 220bln bcause of World Cup, 220bln was to "improve" country and bring it forth, however they did spend about 6, 5 BLN exclusevly bcause of WorldCup and they do have some expo in 2030 or something, they just speeded things bit up or smth.
would be a bit dumb to believe that some1 actually spent 220bln only for WCup, and how would u even spend it Only for WorldCup? i dno


Qatar World Cup, the best one! 🏆🏆🏆🏆enjoy football don’t bum rap and enjoy football!


Since when was spending! and monopolising on an event a I think its good that Qatar spent so much on this!


Not to be rude but you're COMPLETELY off the mark with the reason/economics behind Qatar's bid and expenditure.

Qatar is a VERY rich country but theres no more than 350k Qataris. How can they protect their assets?

They convinced the US to have a military base there which Qatar paid to build and pays to maintain. This was to put off possible invasion or hard power bullying.

Qatar is striving for Sovereignty instead of being Saudi/UAE underling, they've been bullish in creating their own foreign policy and use their wealth to counter UAE/Saudi Arab regional dominance.

Bein Sports, Qatar Airways and Al Jazeera initially DOMINATED the middle East and from Tunisia to Oman they were attempting to be the most innovative Arab nation. Then when they became the gold standard in the region they focused on Europe. Hence Bein sports buying the rights to host the champions league, Qatar airways/foundation being Barcelonas first shirt sponsor and the acquisition of PSG.

They couldn't compete with Saudis spending on defence procurements from the UK and France which gave Saudis a lot of umbrage from the state so they focused on investing in Key private sector companies from Barclays Bank, Sainsbury's, LVMH, Airbus ect which employ loads of people and which the economies of the UK and France depend on. This gave Qatar some cover.

Not enough though. Saudi and UAE believe in strong man leadership for Arab states they believe the democratic will of Arab populace would be detrimental to their business interests and the international networks (US and Israel). So Saudi and UAE oppose all populist and democratic movements in the Arab world. Qatar disagrees and it used Al Jazeera to cover (Saudi/UAE would say instigate) the Arab Spring.

Every nation sends money overtly and covertly to causes that are of strategic advantage to them. Qatar supported Mohamed Morsi Egypt's first democratically elected leader, it supported the ousting of Gaddafi, it supported the protests in Tunisia and most importantly it supported the Muslim Brotherhood. This organisation believes in democratic theocracy which is a direct challenge to the monarchies of the Gulf and the strong men of the other MENA nations.

It also hosts ALL parties of conflict from the Taliban, to Iran and more. It sees itself as a Arab Switzerland.

So considering Qatar has no way to physically defend itself it's obviously punching above its weight. So the Saudis, UAE, Egypt and number of other nations came together and sanctioned/blockaded it.

Them hosting the world cup is to stamp in the minds of every human on earth that it is a sovereign nation with borders which then makes it difficult for Saudi, UAE or even Iran from taking military action or even annexing it.

If the Saddam wasn't such a belligerent fool and the Saudis didn't spend BILLIONS lobbying the US and underwriting it's military effort in the Gulf War, Iraq would've taken Kuwait with no problem and no one in the world would care because they didn't even know it existed.


I bet Qatar paid minimum 4 billion to FIFA


Why complicate things when they are simple. The cost of the eight stadiums does not exceed 7 billion dollars, and the rest is spent on infrastructure from an airport, a metro and a new city, according to the latest global environmentally friendly technologies. In the end, Qatar is a very wealthy country with a small population, and this amount is small for it. On the contrary, it adds value to the name of Qatar globally, and also the stadiums will be used for social and marketing purposes after the tournament.
Not to mention this amount been spent over 10 years


Each nation submits a bid to host an international event for a particular cause. Qatar certainly had theirs. But for whatever reason they believed the debts outweighed the danger, they are hell-bent on investing in infrastructure to fulfill their objectives.

To assert that the bidding was crooked is to assert that the sun is hot. We know that the process was tainted. All FIFA bids are dubious at best and reprehensibly repulsive at worst. Even a cemetery is cleaner than FIFA, as far as we are aware.
But let's not mock Qatar for utilizing football to achieve its own goals and purposes. Every nation performs the same action.

The terrible reports of slavery are likewise not unexpected. Honestly, this is one of the diseases of capitalism; it has a tendency to exploit employees. This occurs in every country that hosts the World Cup. Even the polite Japanese and Koreans had their share of issues, and look at them now: they're still bowing and apologizing.

However, let us hope that the games are a success for everyone involved, especially the spectators. Ultimately, the event is performed for the benefit of the audience. Why play the game if FIFA and countries lose sight of this fundamental fact?
