I just got one of these. I'm glad to see it can engrave on a curved surface.
i cant find the same product on Ali express or amazon
can you help me just send me the link
can it engrave metal? if its not an official material, can i just put the power to the max? would that engrave it better, and do a bit more depth? would that work more?
I make cremation jewelry and I do fingerprints on PMC clay I'm wondering will this engraver the fingerprints on PMC clay if I need to engrave it in the Green State that means before I fire it or after I fire it and it turns into metal will this laser work at all before I spend over $300
Baked this one on Kickstarter at the end of last year. They did not deliver the item until now and they are not able to give a trustable timeplan. Same situation on Indiegogo. Sad but true.
This looks cool maybe my parents will buy one if they see an ad like this :o
What is the largest size of engraving you can do with this?
I am intrested in buying this product. But I would need it for metal aplications.
So, can laser pecker engrave on the stainless steel?
This looks great! How does it work on the tripod?
It is not possible to order Pro de Lux packet over indiegogo whits pay pal from germany.
Hi. one question. the power cable / plug is not made for europe... its an american plug in i guess. what can be done for this matter..? i m from greece btw. if you dont have powerbank how can i power it up..? thank u
Hi. Can i ask you : How much time did you need to engraving one leather materials ? (Can you give me some estimation of time would be needed?)
It would be nice to have steel base as a part of the support stand, to use magnets for holding materials. Gust of wind from open window can blow out your workpiece and ruin your day...
Sirve para grabar en superifcies de 50x10x10 Mm ( como un stick de madera ) ?
After I installed the app on my iphone 7 Plus all i get is blank screen. The laser engraver is on. Also, my iphone is unable to connect in bluetooth.
Is this machine compatible or are there issues using the iphone 7 plus. I have the lates IOS installed
Where did you buy that laser pecker shield if I may ask?
Can we try this on fabric and on vinyl rexines....
Where can I get this magnetic protection shield ?
Is this suitable for a small printing business? And works with windows desktop computer?
@LaserPecker Where do you purchase this model? The stand auto corrects the height.