W.A.I.F.U. - A NEW ERA of Minecraft Iron Farms | Java 1.16.2 - 1.21.4+

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A showcase, explanation and tutorial for the next generation of compact iron farms. Introducing the Waterless Appressed Industrial Flinging Unit Iron Farm, or as it’s lovingly called, the WAIFU Iron Farm. This is in my opinion the best developments in Minecraft iron farms in a long, long time. It allows for nether compatible, single dimension, efficient and compact iron production, a combination previously unexplored. This is all while keeping it relatively simple, cheap and easy to build. The farm can make 4900-11560 iron ingots/hour depending on the version you build and works in any version after 1.16.4

Thanks and credits:
@TangoTekLP - Farm concept
@NicoisLOST & @EndingCredits - Script checking
@NicoisLOST & @lollopollqo2240 - Fact checking
@lollopollqo2240 - Code digging
@EndingCredits - NubTech's CMP for testing 1.18 versions and development grounds
@madman2572 - CMP server for testing 1.19 versions
@gnembon @NicoisLOST & @LogicalGeekBoy - Iron farming guides
Discord members and livestream viewers - inputs, support, name and feedback

Farm rates and efficiency:

NubTech is a Technical Minecraft SMP on Java 1.20.4. The SMP is invite based, if we want to invite you to join the SMP, we will DM you.

Check out some of the members:

Helpful links:

Simple 2x loader:
Dark’s tilable 2x loader:
Simple 1x loader:
Tilable 1x loader:
Chunk loader:
Mods list:
Joa's site for block properties:

Farms you can use to get the materials for this farm:

Cinematic song: it's different - Shadows (feat. Miss Mary) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds

Background music by Harris Heller via StreamBeats:

0:00 Introduction
0:35 Cinematic
1:50 What is this concept?
2:47 Iron farming mechanics
4:32 How does this farm work?
6:20 How is this better than the VUAIF?
11:52 Why are there 12 different farms?
15:01 How can you build this farm?
16:46 Block substitutions
18:10 Does it work on paper/spigot/purpur/etc?
18:37 Why is it called the WAIFU?
19:22 Instructions for litematica users
21:34 Build tutorial
22:03 Single dimension collection for MAXI size 18 & 19
24:53 (Nether compatible) Single dimension collection for MAXI size 18 & 19
27:39 Single dimension collection for MINI size 18 & 19
29:50 (Nether compatible) Single dimension collection for MINI size 18 & 19
32:04 Downaccel spawning platforms for MINI 18 & 19
34:48 Downaccel spawning platforms for MAXI 18
38:40 Downaccel spawning platforms for MAXI 19
41:25 Portal spawning platforms MINI 18 & 19
42:56 Portal spawning platforms MAXI 18
45:20 Portal spawning platforms MAXI 19
48:11 Cell placement
52:23 Building one cell
56:30 Dropper selector line MINI 18
58:00 Dropper selector line MINI modification for 19
58:36 Dropper selector line MAXI 18
1:00:48 Dropper selector line MAXI 19
1:02:21 Clock MINI
1:05:05 Clock MAXI 18
1:07:10 Clock MAXI 19
1:09:26 Adding zombies MINI 18 & 19
1:10:32 Adding pillagers MAXI 18
1:11:32 Adding zombies MAXI 18
1:13:08 Adding pillagers MAXI 19
1:14:20 Adding zombies MAXI 19
1:17:07 Putting the villagers in
1:18:13 Nether side for portal versions (self chunkloading)
1:23:45 Chunkloading instructions for non portal versions
1:24:06 Final touches and starting the farm
1:24:31 Optional full shutoff system
1:25:18 Storage instructions
1:25:49 What to do if you update game version
1:26:27 Help FAQ and how to ask for help on discord
1:27:38 Credits, thanks and outro
Рекомендации по теме

Quick little FAQ and fix list since I ran out of description space:
- Read the title if you want to know the versions it works in
- The cells in the corner have a trapdoor that flips when the dropper line pulses which can cause villagers to escape in rare cases, simple move that trapdoor down like the one on the right side of the cell.
- There's an editing mistake at 55:40, I cut out the part where I place another ring of glass above the layer that has the trapdoor, don't forget that.
- For 1.21+, 18 is the ideal version to build but maxi 19 also works with a better average efficiency at the cost of more villagers
- The vines growing have no effect on the farm
- For the nether side, you can send the boat with chicken from the overworld and then move it into place
- In the world download you have to enable daylight cycle and let the villagers sleep before running the farm. Also don't forget dropper items (just watch the damn video)
- If you find golems spawning near the middle of the farm then place leaves or glass diagonally above the lowest redstone block of each cell, leaving a gap in front of the sticky piston
- The material list for each cell says 9 observers by mistake, it should be 8
- If you find certain sides of villagers not sleeping in the zombie designs then make sure to centre the zombie in the cell. Leaving it in a minecart is the easiest way.
- If your spawning platforms don't seem to be moving make sure you don't have any extra blocks stuck to them like temporary blocks used to build it
- The rails of the dropper line sloping to a different direction is not a problem
- If your boat with a chicken is teleporting through, that's because they changed how portals work in 1.21. You now have to send the boat from the overworld and then align it.


This man is revolutionizing the whole iron farm niche of Minecraft. I aspire to be creative like him .


beds can only be red it's proven to 10x the amount of iron you get.


After 1 month of gathering, building, checking, rechecking, the MAXI farm is now running, my old farm rate was 132 iron per hour so you can imagine the boost of this farm. Welcome to the new ERA! thank you for the tutorial! clear and comprehensive!


I started building this, and noticed a very small discrepancy which was likely just a misstep in editing, but at 55:41 during the village cell building, we place a repeater on the glass below and in front of the solid block, but this glass doesn't have a trapdoor and is one block higher than the glass touching the piston, while the last glass we placed on that tube a few seconds ago did have a trapdoor and was at the same level as the glass touching the piston.

Most people are probably smart enough to figure out to add one more layer of glass to the tube, but just for those who might be confused, that wasn't explicitly spelled out in the instructions.


I want to say thank you. Your hard work and dedication to the MC community is much appreciated!
Another very well-done video! 😊


Awesome farm and very well explained video Emdy. I know you put a ton of work into it, so glad to see that the work has paid off with this excellent content!


The villager elevators can also be called U.W.U. (Universal Waterless Unit — Universal as works in any dimensions)


I haven't played minecraft in years, but it's still amazing how players keep pushing the limits. Congrats.


_Thanks Emdy, I can always count on you to make iron farms sound scarier._

Nice farm though, and very well put together video! I applaud your efforts in making what looks like almost an hour long tutorial _when you could've just released those litematics and have been done with it_

was also surprised that the australian VUAIF thing got referenced here, haha


The amount of detailed explanations and effort into this video is amazing :D
Thanks for allowing me to do some testing with the maxi single dim and will 100% be recommending this video/design to others!


Finally had time to watch this piece of cinema. I don't think a single detail of this farm was able to hide from your script; the explanations and directions were so comprehensive and unambiguous.

I believe the countless hours you spent on this was well worth it ❤

(also the opening cinematic was great and got me thinking about doing one for the SSS now..)


So i know im 5 month late but
this is the most elegant iron farm i've ever seen, OMG i love it. I was so bored of those 'simple' 3 villager sells with just loads of water and lava, and randomly saw that video, you deserve way more credit, this is INSANE


Ever since I started using redstone when the “pretty scary update” in Minecraft 1.4 came out, I have watched redstone videos on YouTube, this is the best, most interesting redstone video I have ever watched. Please keep doing what you are doing, I really look forward to watching more of your videos in the future! You are undoubtedly going to blow up soon! I’m excited to be here for when it happens!


Awesome design, Emdy! So well thought-out and clearly explained, and it's a very nicely edited video too :)


This is very cool! Much more interesting than the "standard" iron farms you see everywhere and since it's compact I could easily see myself building this in a base or industrial area sometime.


Probably one of the most in depth farm tutorial, and explanation I have ever seen. Insane work!


4.3k subs and popping off with sick cinematics in the beginning of a video already. You're a trooper.


Made the MS19 in a version 1.19.2 Forge modpack, 200+ mods. With Quark and Moveable Tile Entities installed, I needed to replaced the obsidian with a modded immovable block. I found that sometimes the upwards facing piston on the Downccel sometimes gets moved by the slime blocks, so I moved the components from beside the down pistons to the outside. They still get powered by the tripwire, but don’t ever touch slime on their sides. I added an extra scaffold line from my item collectors to the top that doubles as a signal to switch it on.
Love the WAIFU, gives me all my iron needs. Took me about 3 hours to build since Litematica isn’t Forge compatible, and Create Mod schematics don’t show incorrect blocks. The Block-by-Block is very helpful.


When I saw that initial shot of dropping villagers, I knew exactly what you did and why
My respect for refining this design <3
