Brandon Lake - Don't You Give Up On Me (Official Audio Video)

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Whoever is reading this, can you please pray for me.


I’m 13, and I have been beating depression, and my suicide thoughts… I’m three weeks clean! Pray for me everyone! ❤️


Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today🙏🏻. His name is Jesus.❤


Whoever is reading this, know that I am praying for you.


I need prayer, my husband recently passed away and I was so disappointed that I questioned God, because we prayed so much for his healing. My faith was shaken. I didn't understand because God has always answered my prayers in the past. So I'm struggling. Help me Jesus that my faith fail me not 🙏🏽


My husband is deployed in the Middle East. He’s half way through his deployment, but he has struggled with infidelity over the past 2 years. I’ve been crying out to Jesus to transform him into the man our children and I need; a man of God. Many days I worry for his safety but also worry his choices will end our marriage. “Don’t lose your hope, don’t lose your faith — that’s where your fight is.” Has been ringing in my mind. My girls and I listen to this song nearly everywhere we go in the car. It’s such a needed reminder. Pray my husband stays strong in the Lord, pray for his heart. Pray that I will put my relationship with Christ first no matter the outcome, and to not make my marriage an idol. During this difficult season, I desperately need the peace and joy only God can bestow.


Yes I will pray for you my name is Steve from Cincinnati Ohio and I got over a year clean from drugs and booze since January 3rd. I pray for the world to find a friend in Jesus and I am praying for the younger generations to come


Dear Brandon, I'm from Austria, living in a small village close to Vienna. I know you since "Graves into gardens" and love to listening your songs in many ways. With Elevation Worship, Phil Wickham and at least Brooke Ligertwood. So much beautiful songs, so much blessings and worship to our God. So I say thank you and I promise to pray for you and your family, your church, your further projects. I beg you, don't forget Europe, please set your heart and your eyes on "this old christian country's"... Maybe some day there will be a possibility to give a concert and a testimony for our young people. So I hope I see you soon... With best wishes, your Bernd


'Don't lose your hope, don't lose your faith - that's where your fight is'.


I feel like @brandonlake wrote this song just for me! I needed this song 20 years ago as an unbelieving teenager deep in the pits of depression. I attempted to fully give up and even crossed over to the other side. The angels told me "it isn't your time, you need to go back" but I didn't want to go back. They showed me a vision of the plans God had in store for me. A loving husband, and two beautiful children living life together on a farm. Sure enough that is our current life. I'm so thankful the Lord saved me that night. I will never give up on the Lord. I pray whoever reads this testimony, this will reach your heart. Do not give up. Keep believing, keep reaching for the Lord. He hears you and sees you and is right by your side every single second of the day. Be blessed, HalleluYAH!


When I was about 7 I had my first suicidal thought. Life was really rough, and I thought that if I grabbed a butter knife from the kitchen upstairs (I wasn't old enough yet to use the kitchen knives. I didn't want to disobey my parents; I only wanted to end this pain I felt at the moment.) I could end it quickly and feel better. I think God intervened at this point and put it in my mind that I didn't want to cause pain to the people I loved by destroying myself. Later, life was still bad and I started engaging in self-harm. I would take my fingernails and scratch myself down the insides of my wrists. It always disappeared in less than a half hour, so I continued to do that when I was mad at myself. I knew it wasn't the best thing to do, I think, even at a young age, but it made me feel better. God kept convicting me of it, so I promised I would stop, and only later did I discover that there was a verse against self harm in the Bible.
In my Junior year, I began to have depressive episodes. My suicidal thoughts returned stronger than they had been before, but then I heard this song. Just before my worst bout of destructive thoughts, I wrote an approximation of the line, "When the night's at it's darkest, that's when the light hits the hardest, " in my journal. I was so, so close to destroying myself, a temple of the God of the Universe, but the whole time there was a little whisper in my spirit that I shouldn't take that path. So, I didn't.
The other day, the sunlight was so beautiful. I was so grateful to God that He was right there, and that He decided that the world still needed one of me. All glory goes to Him who provides. All glory to God!


kneeling on my living room floor with tears running down my face and my hands lifted so high! I feel like Brandon wrote this song just for me oh my goodness wow.


Going through a lot right now in my marriage. I have all of your music and this song came on and a flood of tears came, it was like you were reading what I had sent to a friend and how I was feeling. It hurts but it helps. God bless you for using the gift for singing and spreading the gospel through music!!!!


I could literally hear God is singing this over me when i think of giving up for a second and over the people who has given up.... God's heart for his people 😭❤️🔥


HOW MUCH I THIS My faith was in the dirt…. praying for Holy 4:37 Spirit to help me and He led to this AMAZING ANOINTED Thank you, JESUS!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Im praying for each of us who are struggling with depression anxiety and all adversity! Heavenly Father is always loving us! You are more than you think you are! You do more than you think you do! YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!!


Probably the most beautiful song I've heard in a very long time. Reminded me that I have to see myself how God sees me more often 💜


Dear Brandon,
I am beating Stage 4 cancer as I type this. It’s the third time I’ve had it, and this song is my anthem. Gratitude kept me grounded. God does amazing things through us all. Thank you. God Bless.
A fellow


Dear God,
Thank you for delivering me from a
14 year gambling addiction. Because of you intervening in my misery and showing me grace and forgiveness, and the error of my ways . I am very blessed to say that I have 3 years clean of that horrible addiction. This song of God never giving up on me says it all . Thank you God and Brandon Lake 🙏


Abba Father, please come to my family and rescue us. Please rescue us from these trying moments🙏
