Putting Emerging & Proven Innovations to Work Insights from the Public Sector for the Future Summit

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Event description: Leaders in the public sector have worked very hard to respond to the major structural and social challenges of this new era. New operating models and innovations such as shared services, lean business processes, and cross-jurisdiction collaboration have made great headway in driving government efficiency; yet more ideas and strategies are needed. We must not only do more with less, but we must also build public trust and value.

At the recent "Public Sector for the Future Summit" held at Harvard, government leaders met to delve into what’s on the “Uptake” — innovations and business models that require robust leadership to implement, yet are proven to increase effectiveness and efficiency; and what’s on the “Edge” — innovations and business models that are still emerging, yet are poised to deliver dramatic improvement in public value.

The Summit and this webinar explore Uptake and Edge innovations through multiple case studies. As cases in point, the New York City Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics is employing cutting-edge cross-agency program innovation to increase public safety, deliver services more efficiently, and protect its finances. In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, officials are applying a shared services model to government real estate in order to save money and improve facilities for government employees and citizens. And leaders in Pennsylvania are identifying and tracking key workforce trends in real time via management dashboards and linking them to planning initiatives that not only enable greater employee mobility and productivity but also help develop their future workforce.

In this webinar, panelists will share lessons learned from the "Public Sector for the Future Summit," show powerful examples from their organizations, and discuss leadership lessons on implementing Uptake and Edge innovations.

Panelists: Kelly Powell Logan, secretary of the Pennsylvania Office of Administration; Nicholas O’Brien, acting director of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics; Pari Sabety, strategist at Accenture Public Service; former budget director of Ohio.

Moderator: Antonio Oftelie, fellow, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
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