Hello my sunflowers! Please remember that all of my mythology stories are simply interpretations. Please do NOT argue over what was “true” and what wasn’t ❤️ thank you for watching and thank you for being here with me 🥰 I love you all very much! Please let me know if you’d liked to see more content with the Gorgon sisters!
I love how Amphitrite was just like "Thank you, I needed someone to kill him" I can just imagine them both just becoming bestie's after this
I like how Amphitrite is just like "thank you it's about time"
Yes definitely like how Stheno delivered her vengance. Would be great having the the sisters, you make it seem powerful and scary at the same time
This is such a cool concept ughhh i love greek mythology and the twist people make for it
You know you’re awful when your own wife says “Hell yeah!” To your death
The transition, lighting and makeup were just perfection. The acting was also just perfect. I really liked the part when Amphitrite says “It’s about time.” I also love the story behind it because Medusas sister was taking revenge on Poseidon for what he did to Medusa.
I love how Amphitrite was overjoyed and was like "hell yeah''
Greek mythology is amazing you just make it better
Amphrite: *starts singing "its about damn time"*
Lol I love how amphitrite just says “Hell yeah” to herself at the end 😂
Love your vids, you never fail to impress me ❤
I love how she was like” bout time” go girl ❤
Amphirite just like “Hell yeah” as Stheno walks away 😂💀
I love greek mythology because of percy jackson now!!
let’s all appreciate that she put in white eye contacts to make the eye filter look the best she can
Hi, for people who don’t know who Stheno is, she is a gorgen, one of the eldest gorgans, she was a female with brass hands and venom hair made out of snakes <3
Amphritrite at the end be like- girl, you did me a favor 😂😂
This story is a really nice example for Karma, whatever we do karma is always after us🙏its all about what we do 😊
The best actor of all time right here! ❤
The hell yeah at the end by Amphitrite was top notch. We love the Greek Mythology! Keep up the great work.