The EASIEST Way to Clean Your Freeze Dryer!

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Discover the secrets to maintaining a pristine Harvest Right Freeze Dryer in this easy-to-follow tutorial! 🧹✨ I show you the steps to keep your freeze dryer in top-notch condition, ensuring the best results for your delicious freeze-dried creations. We also take an Alaskan Adventure to the Eagle River Nature Center and whip up some freeze dried candy too! Don't forget to hit that like button, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments below! SHOPPING LINKS BELOW!

SHOP Harvest Right Freeze Dryers & Accessories Here:

SHOP Amazon Tray Liners Here:

SHOP Amazon PVC Cutters for candy here:

SHOP Amazon Candy Mylar Bags Here:

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We just bought a used Harvest Right freeze dryer from my brother-in-law. Of course, he didn’t send the user manual. I found your videos on the set up, maintenance & actually freeze drying food very informative. Your videos are much better than trying to read an online manual & you don’t miss a detail. I can’t thank you enough!


Very helpful. Thank you for the links. I’ve owned my freeze dryer for three years and never used it until this week. I am now hooked.


Moose, black bear, brown bear, caribou, elk. Love the nerd clusters!!


We normally do a fast clean of each shelf and the barrel after each use.
We use a flexible long claw grabber tool (many auto supply stores/areas have these) that is gripping the center of a damp cloth. We slide this in and out and back and forth on each shelf and the barrel above, below, and on each side of the rack.

If we get the rack really messy we take it out and trudge it up two flights of stairs to the large kitchen sink and give it a good spray wash (protecting the plug-in part.)
To clean the barrel we use a solution of bleach and water and have been doing this in our freeze drier for over 7 years with no bad effects in the barrel. We do rinse with water after a few minutes.
This is the method for disinfecting according to our state health dept. And what our restaurants have used for many years.


Thanks for the cleaning video very helpful


Phil also has a video about how skittles messes up your oil in the vacuum pump. I couldn't find it but it is worth watching!


FYI you can buy an upgrade kit from harvest right for turning your freeze dryer to the pro or 5th tray. This was posted on living traditions homestead site today.


Do you have to unplug machine from the wall before you start this?


My Harvest Right manual specifically says NOT to use vinegar inside the machine. Vinegar will pit stainless steel. It says to use isopropyl alcohol or cheap vodka. Vinegar is also harmful to your pump. Thats why you’re not supposed to run pickles unless you soak them first. I’ve only ran 210 loads in mine so far, very little candy. Mostly fruit. I clean my rack and wipe out the drum after every use. It’s over a year old and looks new.


Should the freeze dryer be cleaned after every use?


Good to for the water bucket
Drill a hole big enough to fit the hose at the top of bucket.
Place hose inside the whole and the hose won't fall out as well as the hose won't fall into the water.
When draining pull out the hose and dump the water into sink.


What are the bad chemicals in magic erasers?
The manufacturer, Procter & Gamble, lists ingredients for the magic eraser which include: “Formaldehyde-melamine-sodium Bisulfite Copolymer." That is rated only as a “slight” health risk. It's pretty much only dangerous if “a large amount is swallowed” or it gets in your eyes


how about the smell of garlic still lingering?


We have a pack of coyote behind our house ❤


Jolly ranchers take 150 for me to get them to work.


Magic erasers are full of chemicals and I wouldn't take a chance of any residue getting into my food.


Moose grizzly bear elk caribou brown bear
