Superman vs Dr Manhattan FAN Trailer

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scene from the movie Man of steel and Watchmen
music : Philip Glass - Pruit Igoe & Prophecies

scène tiré du film Man of steel et Watchmen
musique : Philip Glass - Pruit Igoe & Prophecies
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Dr. Manhattan can create life, teleport, dismantle and reassemble his body, knows infinite timelines, and can vanish people with a wave of his hand (and I'm sure capable of much, MUCH more). How can anyone think Superman can kill him?


This would be a ridiculously short fight. Dr Manhattan could turn himself into solid kryptonite if he wanted to, or just disintegrate Superman with a single thought. You would need someone with literal god-tier power to contend against Dr Manhattan.


This is like comparing galactus to fucking batman


I love how fast superman grew up lmao lands on earth then the next time we see him he's getting his suit


Guys Superman's fighting skills are just physical, nothing of his shit can do anything to Doc, Superman's punchs, lasers, or whatever the fuck he has will just pass through the Doc, and he is inmortal....


Imagine gaining his powers & understanding this universe 😳


Superman es un buen tipo y me agrada, pero si se enfrenta al Dr. Manhattan simplemente no tiene oportunidad ninguna. El Dr. Manhattan esta a otro nivel.


Dr. Manhattan can do anything anywhere in universe... He can go another galaxy within a second... most powerful


Dr Manhattan wins, hands down.

First of all, he's immune to literally all of Superman's attacks; he can simply allow physical things (punches, weapons, lasers) to pass right through his body without even interacting with it.

Second, his 'body' isn't even really him, his body is just a construct he maintains through his own powers and concentration. That's why he can have multiples of himself doing different things all over the place, he is simply piloting the different bodies, and since he both exists in a higher dimension AND has a level of intelligence and perception beyond anything in our universe, he can pilot many bodies doing many completely different tasks without any mental strain. If you do manage to destroy his 'body', he can just form a new one, or multiples, in any place, at any time, and of any size. The best Superman could hope to achieve is to destroy one of these piloted bodies, which Manhattan would instantly reform.

Manhattan can manipulate matter, as we know, but what this implies is that he also has an incredibly vast, detailed understanding of the universe on an extremely tiny scale, something confirmed when he says to Adrian in the comic, "I have witnessed events so tiny, and so fast, that they could hardly be said to have occurred at all". This means that moments after Superman began to 'fight' Manhattan, Manhattan would already know exactly the physical processes on a quantum level which allow Superman to possess such powers. Manhattan could chose to exploit this understanding by giving himself Superman's entire power selection instantly, with any possible improvements that could be made, and the addition of powers Superman himself has not developed. Further, since Manhattan can operate many bodies at once while being one entity, he could form several dozen bodies directly on the surface of the Sun (something he has already done in the comic) and therefore allow himself to absorb amounts of yellow sun energy far in excess of anything Superman could absorb while on Earth. And if Superman, say, flew into the core of the Sun itself to maximize his energy intake, Manhattan could do several things; He could form a few dozen bodies inside the core, ending up in exactly the same situation, he could form several dozen bodies on the surface of or inside the cores of nearby BLUE stars, for a massive supercharge of energy, or he could manipulate a region of the Sun around Superman so that it did not allow energy to reach Superman whatsoever. Of course, Manhattan being able to absorb solar energy only matters in the weigh-in if we don't consider that Manhattan seems to be able to generate unlimited amounts of power any time he needs to, and can manipulate and change energy as well as matter. There's a strong chance that he could use his apparently unlimited power to generate unlimited solar energy to power any Superman-esque powers he acquired, or even simpler, he could change all of the yellow sun energy stored in Superman into red sun energy, and essentially cripple superman.

Another consequence of learning how Superman's powers work is learning superman's weaknesses. Manhattan would instantly know that kryptonite rapidly weakens and degrades superman's body and mind. We've seen Manhattan form isolated bubbles of manipulated matter before, when he generated an Earth-like atmosphere (in composition, temperature and pressure) in a small area-of-effect sphere on Mars. There's no reason he couldn't form a similar sphere around Superman, which generated a constant barrage of kryptonite, in either gaseous, liquid, or solid form (as a dust or even a solid orb to encase Superman). After crippling Superman with huge amounts of kryptonite and by changing his stored energy to red sun energy, Manhattan could destroy Superman in several ways. He could cause him to 'splat' like he does to several people in the comics, including Rorschach. Manhattan could turn Superman into pure energy in the form of light, or heat, or any other energy form. Manhattan could dissolve him by removing his intrinsic field (a machine designed to do this is actually what created Manhattan when it dissolved Osterman), or by simply winking him out of existence utterly. How Manhattan does it doesn't really matter, the point is that he can, with what we know about him, weaken Superman to the point of destruction, and carry out that destruction as he wishes.

The really, really big thing to remember here is that Manhattan is essentially untouchable. Manhattan describes his experience of our universe as like reading a comic book; He can flip back and forth as he pleases, the paths are already set, and the book is ending simultaneously as it begins. Our universe with 3 dimensions plus time is like the narrative of a novel, and he is a reader. Superman poses about as much a threat to Manhattan as a character in a novel breaking the forth wall and threatening you is. Try as he might, Superman is no mach for Manhattan, who may as well be omnipotent, because he is supremely unassailable. Even if Manhattan could not find a way to destroy Superman, he could preoccupy Superman for an infinite time with one of his piloted bodies, while he peacefully explored the rest of the entire universe in the mean time. Superman can't hurt Manhattan just like he can't hurt you; to Manhattan, he is basically just a narrative character, a plot point in a book he can put on the shelf at any time if he wishes.

This match up isn't a case of who's stronger or faster or more skilled or more durable. It doesn't matter if we go with regular Superman, Superman Prime, or an even more powerful version, because Manhattan transcends that reality. We have only seen two things ever effect Manhattan; human interactions causing outbursts of emotions, and the time Adrian dissolved him in an intrinsic field machine. Manhattan's emotions cannot kill him, and he would feel no such emotions for an alien trying (in vain) to destroy him, and neither can the intrinsic field machine, since he reformed himself moments later. Even if Superman destroyed Manhattans 'body', he'd turn around and see another one, completely unharmed, dispassionately standing nearby, observing Superman's biology and physics, rapidly learnign how to unravel Superman's body on a space-time level.


If they do meet in the future, I would like it to be a battle of words. Dr. Manhattan could view mankind as petty, violent, and ultimately hopeless while Superman would insist that the human race is worth fighting for. I think it's more in character for both of them.


No matter how powerful or indestructable Superman is, Doc can just disintegrade him or create a kryptonite cage around him, and then tear apart. He is in control of quants


Dr Manhattan can control all matter at the atomic level. So he can turn you into anything you can think of, no matter what you're made of or how much power, speed, ability, or intelligence you have is futile.

-He can witness things that happen so fast that you wouldn't consider it to have happened at all.

-He can see forward and back in time.

-He doesn't need a body to exist and can recreate infinite copies of himself, even IF he happens to lose his body somehow.

-He can teleport light years away in an instant.

-Already knows how everything will turn out. Causing him to withdraw from interacting with any being, just to avoid of going through the motion of his precognitions.

-Doesn't desire to save or challenge anyone because he just doesn't care.
He just processes a simple thought and it's over.

As an immortal, he can't even relate to anything living. So destroying another superbeing that came at him with infinite strength, speed, weight, and psychic ability combined, wouldnt be more of a threat to Dr. Manhattan than a flying cottonball. Any super being that challenges him would be no more of a problem than blinking.

Other superheroes would be no more different to him than rocks passing through time.


The Dr. waves his hand and Superman blows up.


A being of inaction on a collision course with a being of action


About 85% of this is just clips from "Watchmen" with a couple of scenes from "Man Of Steel" slipped in. I was disappointed.


If Superman is like a young man trying to figure the world, then Dr Manhattan is like a zen master.


I love Superman but Dr M is basically a fucking God, Dr M himself doesnt even need to fight hand to hand, he just uses his powers


If you noticed, all the ideas of superheroes in Hollywood or Marvel or etc ... it's just terrifying and insane !! 😫😱


Dr. Manhattan is an Eternal Immortal.
Don't mess with him


*Dr. Manhattan slowly turns green*
Hope you don't mind Supes I'm just reconstructing my bodies material to Kryptonite
