This Is Why Delivery Drivers Are Quitting More & More!

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Many delivery drivers are quitting gig work. It's that simple. However why are gig workers quitting gig work? Well in this video I explain to you why many delivery drivers are quitting doing deliveries for Uber Eats, DoorDash, Skip the Dishes or any of these companies.

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I’ve been doing these apps for six years and I find it hard to quit gig work because you may agree with me on this, I’m so used to it rather than having a demanding job that may pay nearly the same but also I’m not sure how much time I have to devote to looking for a job outside of work. This is in addition to how difficult it is to get an job interview than ever here.
Strange enough, things have picked up in my market and this June was my highest earning month since March of last year.


Ash literally describing Nuggs and Mooshi when talking about gigtubers who quit and come back to have content.


The illegal immigrants on scooters is ruining it for me, they are the ones scamming restaurants and customers, leading to bad treatment from both now. You know how frustrating it is when the employees ask to confirm it, and they basically grab your phone to make sure. I feel like I’m being treated like a thief and I’m a top dasher. When they ask me to confirm I’ll then go down the list making sure they didn’t mess up and throw it right back at them professionally.


Yeah being forced to take low paying no tip orders, while you put a lot of miles on your car with no help from the company for maintenance. Also not having any health benefits in the US doesn't help. I had to go back to get a regular job.


I wonder if you were referring to my situation about the car lol it sucks because I do want to return to gig work, but I really don't know if the pay will be worth it anymore. This is kinda ruining it for me lol anyhoo, great video and hope you're having a good one, Ash!!


Wow! $500 for just the front brakes? Who would pay that? Has anyone every changed a tire for a spare tire? Changing the brakes is just 4 extra bolts and maybe 2 screws. I would laugh in someone's face if they tried to charge me that much for just the front brakes. If you watch a YouTube video or two, you can order parts on Amazon, brake pads and discs and it's basically the same as changing a tire.


People don't often factor in the mental health toll of gig work.


the reason is Some areas are flood with delivery drivers and there is little to no money to really be earned left, just watching the gig work videos alone see this more and more there are so many delivering one or 2 get all the best paying and in the end it trickles down for the rest so there is barly enough to pay for the gas to do the driving the other issue is the number of apps all delivering for the same places


i do gig work for a side job ! pay down debt and vacation money ! my goal is 20, 000.00 a year ! people always need groceries ! yes the restaurant's have drop big time !


I’ve been doing DoorDash in San Francisco since 2020 and it had plenty of opportunities, but have been doing do that less frequently recently. I do rideshare more than food delivery with both Uber and Lyft


Hey, Ash! I’m adapting well enough in my market (Ann Arbor). About to add a 9th app to my arsenal. 😁💰💯


You introduced me to the term. Though I myself is not a gigworker.


it is absolutely a losing game and they know that. Temporary, or to help with debt at best...ultimately not designed with your best interest in mind. I'm back to a job and putting delivery on the back burner until i can be done with it forever


_"Takes a specific type person to wanna be self-empolyed"_ ....Well said!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

So many who want to "be their own boss" don't wanna hear that.

After working in construction for many years, I started a small electrical contracting company. Fast forward three excruciating years in, I had the epiphany that I didn't actually _own_ the company, it owned _me_ Eventually accepted a state government job and I've never had a better life/work balance. Now, if it just paid


The topic is not timeless like a recipe or home improvements, for examples.


It's only going to get worse when minimum wage gets implemented in BC. People don't realise that gig work is oversaturated which is why there's no way it can support the minimum wage. So people will be sitting around for orders.


PENSION??? In all honesty, 80% of gig worker's need same day pay to eat and have gas money! 90% of gig worker's cant afford a $500 car repair bill and will be out of work if it happens. Its just a part time thing during busy hours, or if you have free time in between a stable job with benefits. Most drivers dont have supplemental insurance for this work, and if something happens, they're not even covered. The first question an adjuster will ask is if you were doing gig work when the accident happened. Regardless of whos at fault!! Smart people will answer no!! Regardless! You could lose your house or any assets. Not only is gig work not really profitable, its dangerous on many levels. It really is a scam. Use your brain here people. Scam but not a game where youre involved! Lots at risk. For a $5 average assignment?? In this economy???


It's getting bad in the united states the number one employer is Walmart they pay $15 to $17 an hour to start good luck starting a family on that.😱


You have to foot the gas up front before you even make .1 cent then work for hours to get tax's paid on the money you make and then car breaking down and then deal with the people lying about the food and getting their money back while they hold money against your account for months and not get paid if you are doing cash orders. charge back up to year on any money you made on tips..


I wish Quebec would leave Canada. All of Canada hates Quebec and I would love to see what happens when Quebec runs out of Alberta's money.
