The World Will Soon Die—But the Self is Deathless ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

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Description: Fewer can remain in denial with every day that passes, as time accelerates toward the Eschaton. All systems are breaking down. The entire suffering hell ream of the world will soon undergo euthanasia, and all will return to the Light of God. Let us voluntarily surrender our ego identity programs, so that we can be fully saturated by the blissful luminosity of the Supreme Self—and leave this video game victorious!

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[To All Who Listen to Shunyamurti's Teachings: Thank you all for your serious consideration of these ideas, which are intended to help you live a more coherent, peaceful, creative, compassionate, and productive life, and to be of service to the welfare of our world. We understand that our approach to existential concerns is not for everyone. We honor your right to disagree with these ideas and to stop listening if you do not like them. We gladly post comments with disagreements, if they are stated in a positive and mature manner, that allows civilized discourse about your own contrary ideas, and which may spark further useful and profound thought about the important issues that the teachings raise. If there are sincere questions about the teachings, or misunderstandings that can be clarified, Shunyamurti is always ready and willing to respond with helpful elaborations and even to cite texts and other authors whose writings may be of assistance to serious seekers. But comments that are simply angry and insulting, immature and unreasonable, will be removed because they undermine the educational and inspirational purpose of this project. Those who have questions that are more personal should write us in a private email and one of the teachers in our wisdom school will respond in the same way, or if the question is a very subtle or difficult one and requires a response from Shunyamurti, we will forward it to him on your behalf, and when he can, he will respond personally. By the way, we want to clarify that these teachings are new, they are not simply a repetition of old traditional teachings, but integrate current thought in the sciences, psychology, cultural studies, and philosophy. Shunyamurti speaks from his own realizations and deep clinical experience as a healer.]

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Dont worry my child as you are the universe and the universe is you. This is merely an illusion for you to realise. Once the illusion is realised you will simultaneously find love beyond anything that can be imagined in the illusion. The true experience begins without words.
Love will dissolve fear.
Immerse yourself in the love of god, as you are love.


There will always be realms of Samsara, there will always be the realm of Nirvana. Take your soul choice of where you wish to live...


Been waiting for the end about 12 years and looking forward to it. This place can't go on much longer the way it's going.


Nothing is real but love, and love never dies.


That which dies was never alive. That which is alive is forever alive.


The world is dying in every second, but is new created in the next second. This is part of he eternal changement of the universe.


Take my pride
Please remove these selfish thoughts
Save me from the world
I wanna be addicted to love


The spirit was never born and will never die the body is just a vehicle for spirit to experience the physical realm . ❤️🙏🏻


Thank you and God bless. I actually can't wait for the madness and suffering to end, I dream of the Golden age, a place of love and kindness and all the things humans are supposed to be doing but can't due to the alien ego program that has been installed into our organism ❤


Shunya murti you are simply describing your own projecting mind. Describing your own dream as if it were reality. You must realise that the one who so describes doesn't exist as much an imaginary fragment as the fragments of your dream.


Time passes quickly now, that’s what I noticed.


If the world ends, so be it. But to be honest, I don't see anything ending. It always was and is a story of war and selfishness, and we have to experience it and do our best to deal with it and bring some love back and grow out of this place. If the world ends, wouldn't it be more of a new storyboard for upcoming avatars, also called evolution. So the world ends in every moment.

'The end is near' is a message creating massive fear to most people, yes, for some it may be a catalyst, but there's a lot more behind it that I will not point out here, to avoid deletion of this posting.


Consciousness is The Creator and Destroyer of ALL...
Life & Death as humans we know, DO NOT EXIST...❤
We are Experiencing The Evolution of The Planet, In order for its Continuation...❤


I'll repeat what most Self-aware Beings and Masters have said, "Time doesn't exist".. So, there cannot be a "sooner or later", since there's never been a future or a past (only as a concept made by the human mind).


I feel that everything is breaking down within myself.


When I thought I had nothing
Nothing good to give
You appeared, won my heart
And Showed me I must die to live


we are all facets of the same light. some are becoming brighter some are being diminished. This is also happening to all of mankind at the same time. This is a fundamental law of being and cannot be altered. It is the polarity of both physical and spiritual existence coupled with ones frequency or say unique cadence.
Sometimes joyful sometimes sadness. Either way all is considered to be marvelous in the great scheme of all things. When you realize we are all mere facets in the orb of creation and at the same time Creation can not exist without you.


Since time is an illusion and a 'real' illusion, not a metaphor, it follows that anything that changes with time is also an illusion. We will only witness the death of illusion, what remains at the end of time is what is real. It's like we're caterpillars about to butterfly.

The Kali Man Demon is dead in the inner dimensions, slain by Kali Maa, so it's comin' on soon. I'm hoping by Lokabrenna. Feeling very Sirius. Can't wait!


Duality ends, the Ego can leave a willing heart now.


Muchas gracias por estés palabras maestro ji
