Tucker Carlson: The left complains that Trump is lawless, but they are attacking the fabric of socie

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One thing you can say about the left, they do get high marks for message discipline. Some functionary in the propaganda department comes up with a talking point and immediately, the entire herd -- from senior Democrats in the United States Senate to weekend anchors on MSNBC and everyone in between -- all of them shamelessly repeat in verbatim, like it's an original thought.
You've heard a lot of lines like that. One of them we've heard a lot recently is about Donald Trump and the law. The president, Democrats will tell you again and again, believes he is "above the law."
Rep. Jerrod Nadler, D-N.Y. and House Judiciary chairman: We have a president who believes he is above the law.
Sen. Bernie Sander, I-Vt., 2020 presidential candidate: The American people do not want a president who believes that he is above the law.
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.: In the United States of America, no one is above the law.
Joe Biden, 2020 presidential candidate: An American president who has no respect for the rule of law.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: No one is above the law.
Pete Buttigieg, South Bend, Ind, mayor and 2020 presidential candidate: What I will say is that no one ought to be above the law.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., 2020 presidential candidate: No one is above the law, not even the president of the United States.
"No one is above the law," they thunder. Except, of course, the more than 20 million foreign nationals currently living in our country illegally, all under the care and the protection of the Democratic Party. They are, by definition, above the law. We can't punish them, Democrats tell us; that would be racist.
Drug dealers, too. They are suddenly above the law as well, according to the left. So are people who defecate on sidewalks and people who spraypaint overpasses, and people who shoot up in subway stations and leave dirty needles in parks. All crimes are no longer allowed to be acknowledged as crimes. There are huge new classes of people who are literally above the law.
And this category is growing, thanks to the activist left. On Tuesday night, in the State of Virginia, prosecutors backed by George Soros unseated incumbents in two large counties outside Washington, D.C. Both candidates have pledged to roll back criminal enforcement in a massive way. They will, among other things, abolish cash bail, stop enforcing drug laws, put more criminals back on the street. This kind of thing is happening all over the country and getting very little coverage.
In Philadelphia, the murder rate is the highest it has been in a decade. Why is that? Well, a Soros-backed prosecutor called Larry Krasner stopped enforcing the law. Meanwhile, a left-wing DA in Dallas announced he will stop prosecuting people for most kinds of theft. In Dallas, thieves are now above the law.
Beto O'Rourke approves of this trend. No
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