HAND, FOOT and MOUTH DISEASE | Symptoms in Children and Adults

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HAND, FOOT and MOUTH DISEASE | Symptoms to Expect in Children and Adults. My family's first hand experience with hand, foot & mouth disease. Our two toddlers got the sickness, I got it and we're trying to prevent my pregnant wife from contracting the illness. I hope you get feeling better soon. Hand, foot and mouth disease isn't fun. You can do it!
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How is this guy so upbeat? I started off with a few days of body aches, followed by a day and a half with a fever, and then I thought I was over whatever illness I had, and BOOM! Hand Foot and Mouth lesions all over my head, hands, and feet. This is like a Biblical plague.


Being that there hasn't been a comment on this video in a while, I figured I'd add my experience...

Day 1 went like this....Went to work and a couple hours in I noticed I have a nagging headache. I keep working but it just won't go away, and the more I analyze my situation the more obvious the lethargy becomes. I eventually ask to leave because I know something is coming. After arriving home, I laid in bed and relaxed as much as possible. A few hours later intense back stiffness and soreness. Hard to get comfortable so I begin taking advil which helps a little. As the afternoon progressed I begin running a fever, and notice my throat feeling swollen and slightly sore. The headache and back ache is still very present. I eventually fall asleep ending my misery for a short while.

Day 2- Feeling a little better upon waking up I take my temperature and notice the fever subsided. Headache still there, but slightly better. I emphasize slightly because it still bothered me but I was at least able to sit on a couch and not want to bury my head in a pillow. At one point I got up to get a drink of water and I noticed some red bumps running up my foot. As soon as I saw this my stomach turned...I knew exactly what it was. I looked at my hands and sure enough there were small red patches becoming evident. As the day rolled on I slowly felt my temperature increasing, and my fever spiked up to 101.8 for a good while again. At around 11pm my fever broke! Eureka!! It's over!! I climb into bed and thank my lucky stars for blessing me with an easy ride through this horrible disease...boy was I mistaken!

Day 3- This is the funny one. I wake up feeling almost 100%. Headache is gone, and back pain completely gone. I pretty much feel normal aside from my throat being sore. I suggest making protein smoothies and eating things that don't have much texture. It really is a battle getting food down because it's very uncomfortable throat pain. Not your typical sore throat. At this point though the sores are very present on my hands and feet, and the itching is progressing more and more. During the day I find ways to distract myself but as the day begins to come to end, I also begin to panic. I knew it was going to get worse, and I knew it was going to be right when I want to sleep. Sure as shit, that's exactly what happened.

Right now, it's 4:08am and I am losing my god damn mind. It's technically early morning of day 4. My hands will NOT stop itching...It's this constant feeling of itchy/tingly/prickly heat that makes you want to scream because of how relentless it really is. I'm literally walking around the house rubbing different household liquids/creams on my hands to try and make it stop but nothing is working. Only temporary relief I get is when I rinse my hands under ice cold water. I watched so many videos, and read articles about how annoying it can be and none of it will prepare you for what kind of torture these little bumps will actually put you through. Sleeping is impossible. I was able to get a little rest, maybe like an hour and half. I want to go back to my bed right this second, but I know I'm going to toss and turn and go nuts trying to get comfortable...On a lighter note I think the blisters and bumps are leveling out in size. They're no longer round, and pimply looking. They've taken on a flatter look I guess, and aren't as painful to the touch. I'm assuming they're beginning to heal, but for the love of god it's just so irritating lol! You'd think that would be a good thing in terms of feeling a little better and less itchy...not so much. All I can think about is relief from the itching right now, and nothing else. I'm genuinely sad because this story is coming to and end I will need to figure out a new way to occupy my time.

So yeah. In a nutshell this disease isn't the end of the world sure, but it WILL drive you up the wall. I wish you all good luck, and just remember guys...

'this too shall pass'


Yep, I contracted it from my 2yr old niece this last week, it's been rampant in my area for a while now. She luckily had mild symptoms, mild enough for me to forget about the fact I could be infected from babysitting! My worst symptoms have been the blisters on my feet, made it nearly impossible to walk the last couple of days, but they're slowly drying up. Super horrible sickness, throat sores, and fatigue, but it made me much, much more aware of being careful when around sick kiddos!🤒👎🏼😩


Just got it. Felt groggy on the first day, slammed by flu like symptoms the next, recovered from the flu-like symptoms, and blisters galore.


I have it too right now - I had Fever Night 1, then stayed in bed following day, that evening, I got a sore throat, bed the next day. Then just in time for the office on Monday, all that flu symptoms cleared up. Then I had some weird tingling sensation in my fingers and toes, I thought I had ran the hot water in the shower way too long and its burnt my skin somehow.

Then the red dots appear, and couldn't sleep, I didnt know what was going on, I was up all night thinking I had bed bugs and paranoid as like I had lice all over my skin cause my dots are like really buried under the skin.

Today I went to the doctor and he said this is what I have.

I'm glad other people have said it disappears after 5-7 days, I am longing that day.

Nice video.

P.S I have dots on my soles of feet, and its hard to walk. So annoying I want to go for a jog and the gym.


I have it right now, this is the worst I've got it really bad in my throat even liquids hurt, haven't eaten solid food in three days


I have this really bad right now

Day 1: felt a little unwell like a sickness was coming on
Night 1: Slammed by flu symptoms. Puking 6+ times followed by 101-102 fever and extreme chills
Day 2: Woke up with horrible flu symptoms. Couldn't get out of bed until late afternoon. Bit of a sore throat.
Night 2: Thought it was just a 24 hour flu and that it was over. Throat was a little more sore which I though was weird but I went to bed just fine.
Day 3: Woke up with an almost unbearable sore throat. All other symptoms completely gone. I got up to shower and instantly felt pain on the bottom of my feet. Found many small and a few red bumps all over my feet. One or two on my fingers. Looked in the mirror and found 5 or 6 painful bumps going from between my eyebrows down my nose to my chin. All painful and a few had blistered open and had puss coming out. Went to the doc at this point and they confirmed hand foot and mouth somehow from some fucking snotty child's parent who didn't wash their hands.
Night 3: After getting through the horrible day of sweaty stinging blisters I thought it was coming to an end. I somehow got through the night even with the extreme throat pain.
Day 4(right now): FUCKING KILL ME. Woke up with 3x the bumps and blisters everywhere. Hands COVERED in sores. Bending any finger or touching anything is painful. Walking is painful. My face is stinging constantly. My nose is the worst. The inside is full of sores and they are peeling and pussing and everything tastes and smells like puss. Many are getting itchy everywhere. Throat hurts just as bad, still can't eat solid food because of the pain even though I'm kind of hungry. Eyes are itchy and burning. Doc said I'd be fine to work by friday but I don't see how I can bartend with my face covered in nasty blisters and unable to walk. This is one of the worst illnesses I've ever had. Wash yours and your germ infested kid's hands PLEASE.


You were one of the lucky ones. When I contracted this my whole hand was a blister. I remember it burning and itching so badly I couldn't sleep. Then when the blisters finally popped and stuff my entire hand was coated in dead skin. It was to the point that I didn't have much feeling in my hand and I could actually pick up a piece of toast straight from the toaster and hold it and not feel a thing.
Then once everything was cleared up....All my finger nails and toe nails fell off no joke!!!


I just got it.... today is day 3. Before this, I had no idea there was such a thing. Really helps to know that I am not alone


My oldest daughter told me tat her 1o month old had a rash and she took him to the DR and that's what they said he has. I didn't know if there are medications for it and if it's contagious. Thank you so much for your video and I pray that you and your sweet family get better soon! God bless all of you!


I currently have this! I contracted it from the baby I nanny. I had a severe fever, sore throat and flu symptoms for 3 days, and now the blisters are starting to heal. The worst ones are in the corners of my mouth :( sooo painful! It's been a week and I'm finally starting to come back around.


I have just been diagnosed with it. My worst symptom was acute, SEVERE, vicious arthritic type pain in my hands, and then it spread upwards to my shoulders. I have a rash, but it doesn’t (so far) itch at all. But OH, the pain!! At least I know it will pass.


I'm a daycare provider, I run it from my own home... And it's made its way through! Day two 😩 I "thankfully" "only" have the sores in my mouth and a sore throat with feeling tired and a headache. So far no bumps or fevers! I've been very adamant about wiping my phone down with witch hazel! Amazing stuff!


this guy is so lucky when I got mine it was so bad I lost my fingernails and my toenails and I my hands peeled and my feet filled as well it is probably the worst pain I've ever gone through


Mine started with the sore throat. I thought I was getting sick so I didn't anything of it until last night that I "felt" blister on my hands and feet but nothing was there. Well this morning they were ALL there. I have blisters in my mouth too. Kinda annoying and itchy..☹️


Currently on day 12. i am 18 years old and THIS IS THE WORST DISEASE I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED. it started as a rash under my armpits and a few small blisters in my mouth. the first week i was fine, like this guy i was able to continue living but over the past week and a half it has gotten insanely worse. as of right now, i cannot open my mouth nor walk. it has covered my body head to toe and infected my groin so that every movement or shift i get a lasting, burning pain. i have been to three doctors and the only thing that remotely helps are painkillers. this is some third world shit and i wouldn't wish it for my worst enemy. i probably would if i was trying to put them through hell. i assume this video and most things you will find on the internet are reports before it truly takes a toll.


Day 1: Feeling unwell
Day 2: Fever
Day 3: All better
Day 5: Bed ridden
Day 6: going to school again
Day 7: red dots become dead skin
Day 8: stop hurting but there are still red dots.
Hope you guys get well faster than i did


Currently have this and I’ll share my experience so far…

Day 1 - Woke up with a fever. Body ache. Lower back pain. Temp went up to 102F. Stayed in bed the whole day and tried to sleep it off.

Day 2 - Fever / Chills. Different type of sore throat where it’s just super hard to eat solid food. Body aches still there.

Day 3 - Temp dropped back to 96F. I find lesions on my hands and Feet. Blisters start to form after thinking it was ok to just do normal activities. Sore throat gone by the end of the day.

Currently on day 4 and I’m hoping I don’t get any more lesions blisters on hands and feet. I don’t have it in my mouth but I am breaking out on my face (probably from stressing out).

It burns. It itches. It’s annoying.

Also noticed that everyone has different experiences and see that most people recover by day 8-10.


im 23 year old and i am having first time now. My condition is pretty mild. I have few red spots on my hands and feet. It started when I thought I was having throat infection which it was painful when swallow. But doctor confirmed that I have redness and ulcers in my throat too. I have no fever or whatsoever


I got this a few days ago.
Day 1 fever
Day 2 Tiredness
Day 3 Tiredness
Day 4 sudden pain while walking and standing
Day 5 small blisters on hand foot, and pain while walking
Day 6 blisters spread over the foot, face (mostly around mouth, nose edges), and hand. Itchy and painful while walking/moving fingers.
Day 7 Itchy and flacks fall one by one and able to walk

- At the right time, I found that drinking more water and eating less spicy food greatly helps. 
- Mainly I used "calamine clear" lotion from Walmart. this helped me to have a peaceful itch free sleep on day 5... 
- Change bed sheet, and pillow cover every day.
- take a warm water shower and wash hair with tea tree shampoo on the second day of symptom, which helped a lot to clear scalp blisters.
- I apply calamine lotion on my foot and wear socks in the morning and I just remove it and apply calamine lotion again before going to bed and leave my foot air dry while sleeping.
- I also kept a few Neem leaves ( you can get them in Indian grocery stores) inside my socks in the morning.
- I had dates to boost my immune system.

Prayers for all who are suffering, for speedy recovery.
