Java 8 Method Reference | Explain Java 8 Lambda Expression | Capitalise Example | InterviewDOT
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Java 8 Method Reference | Explain Java 8 Lambda Expression | Capitalise Example | InterviewDOT
Java Method References
Java provides a new feature called method reference in Java 8. Method reference is used to refer method of functional interface. It is compact and easy form of lambda expression. Each time when you are using lambda expression to just referring a method, you can replace your lambda expression with method reference.
Types of Method References
There are following types of method references in java:
Reference to a static method.
Reference to an instance method.
Reference to a constructor.
The biggest benefit of the method reference or constructor reference is that they make the code even shorter by eliminating lambda expression, which makes the code more readable. You can see Java SE 8 for really impatient to learn more about method reference and how to effectively use to further shorten your Java code.
What is the use of method reference in Java 8?
Java provides a new feature called method reference in Java 8. Method reference is used to refer method of functional interface. It is compact and easy form of lambda expression. Each time when you are using lambda expression to just referring a method, you can replace your lambda expression with method reference
Why method reference is better than lambda?
Sometimes... a lambda expression does nothing but call an existing method. In those cases, it's often clearer to refer to the existing method by name. Method references enable you to do this; they are compact, easy-to-read lambda expressions for methods that already have a name.
What is lambda expression in Java?
Java lambda expressions are Java's first step into functional programming. A Java lambda expression is thus a function which can be created without belonging to any class. Java lambda expressions are commonly used to implement simple event listeners / callbacks, or in functional programming with the Java Streams API.