432Hz | Healing Music | Derived from Cosmos | 8 HOURS

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432Hz | Healing Music | Derived from Cosmos | 8 HOURS

Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal. The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.

The science of Cymatics illustrates that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air or sand, it directly alters the vibration of matter.

432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.
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*To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. *


When i listen to this music i imagine myself in ancient time. Just imagine: you are one of the citizens of Ancient Greece, you go for a walk at night and there is no any light pollution, any cars noice and the darkness of the night is enlightened only by endless stars and you can see even the Milky way as a large as life! Sometimes for these moments and feelings i want to back in the past...


I found out something really interesting. I play a musical instrument-The Sarod. On hearing about the 432 hertz, I tuned my Sarod at that frequency. The whole resonance of the instrument dramatically improved. But thats not all. As I sat and wondered why that happened, something amazing happened. My tuner was on and since i had stopped playing the Sarod, it was all quiet-the time being late night. And then my Tuner lit up showing C # at 432 hertz. There was no sound but the tuner was picking up the sound of the cosmos. that means that the cosmos can be heard audibly. I even sealed of the mic and yet the tuner picked up the sound... The implications are huge. This means that all of us are being pervaded by this frequency at all times. I have tried this many times and at many places and it works everywhere. Maybe all of you can also try this. My consclusion is that it is important to be in the frequency by being in quiet areas and it is important to enhance this by playing music at this frequency...I think the healing implications are huge if we do this.. All the best... Cheers


Glorious sounds! Sitting here with my dogs, and I swear they are relaxing as much as I am! Thank you for this heavenly music.


I have been listening to 432Hz for about 5 weeks now, every night. I have not had a migraine in over a month. This is the first time in years!!!! I have tried every homeopathic remedy to no avail. Until this!


Music is vibrations that we can hear and feel with our senses. May we all vibrate to the rhythm of unconditional love.


Love the mindfullness in the comments. Hello beautiful people!


Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. Everything is a #Vibration. Cosmic Vibrations @ 432 Hz


My 2yr old fell asleep in under 10mins with this on...that is all the convincing I need. PRAISE YAH.


This video is really helpful for self healing. Amazed by the effect.
God bless to who ever is listening this music. 🕉️☮️🕉️


I listen to this every night now. I sleep so much better, for 8 solid hours, and wake up just as the music is ending. I feel so refreshed in the morning, and full of energy. Thank you for this!


Friends told me to fall asleep to this last night. I don't know how much placebo it is, but I slept better than ever and woke up with a smile on my face. Insane.


Exploring the vastness of space is like stepping into a cosmic dance floor, where the energy radiates in every stellar twirl, celestial beat, and nebular burst, leaving us in awe of the boundless symphony of the universe


We are made of water and 432hz brings balance to our water as water has memory it gets disturbed very easily so be careful what you tell your water. i have a piano tuner 432 hz and tune all my drinks simply zap the glass, try it and enjoy.


I can't believe this video has stuck around with me for 2 years now. This is my go to meditation music, study music and a lot of times, just vibing music. This video is the reason I'm considering getting youtube premium hehe


I feel God's blazing love pumping onto me through the sound waves. I become overwhelmed with gratitude and joy. I feel set free from the limitaions of my body so that I can fly free and be immersed and engulfed in these waves of majesty, power, glory and joy.


We are all a child of this universe, strive to be happy, it is unfolding as it should, cure the soul by means of the senses and the senses by means of the soul


God is good!!! For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for So, all sounds is from him too... Amazing!


Love, love, love, and more love to all worldly beings.


Listening to this I feel at peace, yet I have this thought within the back of my mind that life is a repeating cycle. As if I have these memories of a past life perhaps, something that feels familiar that I can't quite put into words whatever this feeling might be it is as these peaceful sounds remind me that life is a continuous journey invoked by past lives.
