EIB Group Forum | Panel 6: The Road to Enlargement

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Russia’s war in Ukraine has sparked EU thinking towards enlargement. Discussions on how the EU can adapt to the accession of Ukraine and other candidate countries is gathering pace and there is now widespread support for welcoming new member states. Based on the European Commission’s latest Enlargement Package and its Ukraine Facility, this session looks into the role finance institutions can play jointly in accompanying accession countries on their path to EU integration, also building on the experience in the Western Balkans.

Markus Berndt - Acting Managing Director, EIB Global
Teresa Czerwinska - Vice-President, European Investment Bank
Gert Jan Koopman - Director General Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission
Edi Rama - Prime Minister of Albania
Boris Vujčić - Governor, Croatian National Bank
Odile Renaud-Basso - President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

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