Как просто сплести брелок / DIY keychain macrame
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Плетем брелок в технике макраме. Просто плетение можно использовать для плетения тесьмы, лямок или ремней, главное следить за натяжением нити. Нитки можно использовать джутовые или для удобства специальные шнуры для макраме.
We weave a keychain using macrame technique. Simply weaving can be used to weave braids, straps or belts, the main thing is to monitor the tension of the thread. Threads can be used jute or, for convenience, special cords for macrame.
For work you will need:
1. The thread corresponding to the length of the finished product is doubled.
2. Two threads 3 times the length of the finished product.
The threads are woven mirrored relative to each other. It is advisable to take a dense material as a basis - a brush, a knitting needle or a base for a keychain, which will help to more conveniently weave.
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We weave a keychain using macrame technique. Simply weaving can be used to weave braids, straps or belts, the main thing is to monitor the tension of the thread. Threads can be used jute or, for convenience, special cords for macrame.
For work you will need:
1. The thread corresponding to the length of the finished product is doubled.
2. Two threads 3 times the length of the finished product.
The threads are woven mirrored relative to each other. It is advisable to take a dense material as a basis - a brush, a knitting needle or a base for a keychain, which will help to more conveniently weave.
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