Here are a few facts about why Shia Muslims reject Aisha !

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By insulting the prophets wife, you’re directly insulting the prophet ?


hadhrat amar ibn aas narrated: Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was asked "who do you love most?" and he ﷺ responded "aisha"


She is one of the greatest women and I'm sticking with that, she is the mother of believers


So why would the prophet marry her? And also say he loved her the most in this world.


His strongest argument is based on a lie. The Prophet pointed towards the East.

Let’s say for argument sake this guy was right. So the Prophet died in a place of fitnah? He died in Ayesha’s arms. So Allah allowed our beloved Prophet to die in the arms of a Kaffir (Allah forgive us!)

This is such a simple example of debunking Shia lies about Ayesha. I’m sure the Shi’a’s believe the Prophet was the greatest man to live, and yet he dies in the arms of a woman they curse? 🤦🏽‍♂️ How did Allah allow this?!!!


She is the most beloved to the prophet Muhammad saw


She's the mother of true believers. May Allah be pleased with her, the beloved wife of Muhammad (PBUH)


By rejecting mother aysha u r get ready for being rejected by rasulullah pbuh


Astagfirullah... May Allah guide you to the right path. Ameen


I am a Shia, but I don't believe all ahadiths are Sahih, this can be just another one of those, we must have respect for the wives of the Prophet and his companions, our Imams had the respect for them to name some of their children after them and this is undisputed.


The Prophet said not to criticize his wives, period. This is very wrong.


Reasons why Shia sect is incorrect:

In the Shahada, we say “Prophet Muhammad (saws) is the last messenger”. That means that no one after him is a prophet including Ali (r.a) or anyone else.

Aisha (r.a) had verses in the Quran revealed clearing her name and warnings were sent not to spread falsehood like that again. Yet, here we are again.

Regarding which sect is correct, Prophet Muhammad (saws) actually told us. I will reference two hadith below:

He said: "And which is it O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "What I am upon and my Companions."
Narrated by Abdullah Bin Amr, from Tirmidhi

“I swear by the One Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will split into seventy-three sects, one of which will be in Paradise and seventy-two in Hell.” It was said: “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?” He said: “The main body.”
This is from Ibn Majah, which is authentic.

You guys say such awful things about the companions but what were the names of Ali (r.a) children and who were they named after?

You say Umar (r.a) and Abu Bakr (r.a) did this and that but they were of the 10 ashara so was Allah (swt) and Prophet Muhammad (saws) ordained they are of paradise. Why would Allah (swt), the all knowing, say paradise is for them if they supposedly committed such atrocities? Was Allah (swt) wrong?

Regarding his companions,

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Do not insult my companions. If one of you were to spend the likes of mount Uhud in gold, it would not reach a small portion of theirs or even half of that.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3673, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2540

So yes we love them because the Prophet (saws) told us to and you should aa well.

You guys believe the Quran has lost some verses which means you believe Allah (swt) failed to protect it.

We were warned not to divide and you all started division. I could go on and on


If a fair-minded, smart researcher examines this hadith, he will realise that the gesture referred to was simply pointing towards the east, but because the apartment of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was to the east, the narrator expressed it by saying that he pointed in the direction of ‘Aa’ishah’s dwelling; i.e., he meant the direction of the east, not of the Mother of the Believers ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) herself. This is supported by the fact that the report says nahwa (in the direction of, towards) and not ila (to or at) ‘Aa’ishah.


What Liars

It was narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I saw the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) point towards the east and say: “Oh, tribulation is there; oh, tribulation is there; oh, tribulation is there, from where the side of the head of the Shaytaan will appear.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3279) and Muslim (2905)

The scholars and commentators on hadith have discussed in detail the meaning of this hadith, and how the Najd of Arabia or the Najd of Iraq [Najd refers to highlands] were places of evil and turmoil. Some of them interpreted it as referring to the appearance of Musaylimah al-Kadhdhaab in Bahrain, and others interpreted it as referring to the turmoil that occurred in Iraq and the major events in which al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali and others among the noble Sahaabah were killed.


May Allah Reward OUR mother Ayesha to the Highest level of Jannah! ❤️


Ummul momineen
Hazrat Ayesha radiallahu talaa anhu is wife of our prophet
And mother of All muslims


Salam to ummul muminin Ayesha RA. May Allah grant her more and more peace and grant her Highest level of jannah with prophet saw.


May Allah reward our mother Aysha (r.a) We love her ❤❤ she is our mother Alhmdullah


May Allah be pleased with Aishah, she was loved by Allah and His prophet, and she did a tremendous job in teaching the muslim nation their religion, and she is our mother ❤❤❤, may we meet with her in Paradise ameen


May Allah Taala be pleased with Sayyida Aisha binte Sayyidina Abu Bakr RadiaAllahu Anhu, the Noble Mother of the Believers. And May Allah Taala give those who curse her their taste of the hereafter in the dunya first.
