July Wrap Up

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I'd still love to see a video from you on Side Jobs, if you find the time and inclination. My favorite part of your Dresden reviews has been watching you react to all the moments I could only experience once, and it would be great to hear your thoughts on a few of those stories, particularly Aftermath and The Warrior. Aftermath is just so impactful after Changes, and ever since you've fallen in love with Michael I've wanted to see how you would react to seeing another side of him--and Harry's relationship with him--in The Warrior.


Now that you are have read Aftermath I can relate my favorite quote from that book. It really shows how OTHERS see Dresden. Which we have trouble with sometimes because it is first person and we are riding around in his head.

"Watching Dresden operate was usually one of two things: mildly amusing or positively terrifying. On a scene, his whole personal manner always made me think of autistic kids. He never met anyone’s eyes for more than a flickering second. He moved with the sort of exaggerated caution of someone who was several sizes larger than normal, keeping his hands and arms in close to his body. He spoke a little bit softly, as if apologizing for the resonant baritone of his voice.
But when something caught his attention, he changed. His dark, intelligent eyes would glitter, and his gaze became something so intense that it could start a fire. During the situations that changed from investigation to desperate struggle, his whole being shifted in the same way. His stance widened, becoming more aggressive and confident, and his voice rose up to become a ringing trumpet that could have been clearly heard from opposite ends of a football stadium.
Quirky nerd, gone. Terrifying icon, present."


The Fifth Elephant is one of my favourite Pratchett books. The plot has surprising real-world parallels — it's worth looking up the Stone of Scone (pronounced 'scoon'), an actual historical artefact that inspired Pratchett's Scone of Stone.

I do think the balance shifts in his later books, the plotting and character work gets stronger and the humour gets less prominent. They're still funny but there's less emphasis on laughs. The Night Watch is a banger, but much more poignant than it is funny.


Night Watch is awesome and consistently tops polls as the best Discworld novel. But I do wonder if there are elements you're going to miss as it includes characters from other arcs you won't have met yet (Lu Tze and the History Monks, the new cohort of Wizards after the events of Sourcery - who are quite different).

I'm absolutely not going to say don't read it next - it *is* mostly a City Watch book and you *are* going to love it, but maybe return to it for a re-read when you've completed your entire Discworld journey as you will get even more from it then.


Can you return the timestamps? I always forget the name of the book after you talk about it for a minute 😅 and it would be nice to click on a timestamp to go to a book you talked about instead of searching for it in the video


I think moving on to Ghost Story is fine, if you don't feel you have enough to say about Side Jobs then why force it. Or like a mini-thoughts video just covering the stories you enjoyed maybe


Night watch is amazing and I definitely don’t want to discourage you from continuing with that, but I also think you’ll have a great time if you go back to chronological but skip moving pictures- Reaper Man, Witches Abroad, SMALL GODS, lords and ladies! I feel like you will really enjoy these!


I read the Girl with all the gifts when I was like 13. I remember finding it so fascinating and I’m shocked to see someone talk about it! Also Keep up the good work with the Dresden Files, it’s such a good series and I love hearing you talk about it!


I recommend reading The Truth and Monstrous Regiment in the discworld as part of the city watch series. Vimes pops up and they’re city watch adjacent.

The Truth focuses on the press and the protagonist and Vimes don’t get along, it’s nice to see Vimes from a different perspective.

Monstrous Regiment is a war book but again Vimes is in it.


There are so many iconic moments in Fith Element that are amazing but the highway robbery moment showed how in control Vimes is and I don't care the moment with Vimes and Sybel in bed listening to which trophies are being taken down and guessing is one of the funniest things I've ever read.


I am so sad to hear that The Art of Prophecy wasn't for you, because I really loved the characters and the wuxia style world and I thought you might like it as well because it's sometimes so unhinged🥲


Just discovered your channels recently and have subscribed to both of them. I have already watched many of your videos and have really enjoyed them so much. You are a beautiful human being in every way. Thanks young lady from the other half of the sky. 😊 🙃


Get a subscribe because of Discworld. Glad you've taken to the series. (You'll love the Witches - Granny is my favorite!)


Is it just me or did July fly by really quicky


Love the way you describe Shriek! It's such a unique and clever work. It didn't have the same impact as the meta parts of CoSaM for me, but I cannot help but applaud Vandermeer's playful and inventive decisions.


Very much looking forward to seeing your review of Ghost Story. Again, definitely a shift in the series that some overly criticize. It is a pure character piece and I find it to be a fantastic book. I love getting back to it on my rereads because of how personal of a story it is.


Night Watch is easily my favorite Disceworld book. You're in for a dark, brooding treat!

I eagerly anticipate more Malazan


Like I said before, if you do a side jobs video you don’t need to dive into every story, just a quick “oh hey Billy and Georgia did a thing it was cute” and just go into the stories that grabbed you.

For instance, I had completely forgot the one about Thomas’s birthday present was a thing, so it was really interesting to hear why that one jumped out at you, whereas for me the Thomas POV story was really fascinating. So I think that video would be very very interesting.


Night watch is great and one of the books in the series that show, besides his endless wit and thoughtful social commentary sir Terry also was just great at writing a compelling story


I read all the short stories as I went through the Dresden Files series, so I enjoyed all of them thoroughly haha
I can understand those being jarring right after Changes. I took them as little breaks after big Dresden books, like small palate cleansers before going into the next novel.
However, the one that bridgse the gap between Changes and Ghost Stories are some of my favourite moments of the entire series. I loves seeing those character's voices on page in such an intimate manner.
