Retinitis Pigmentosa Patient can read again and see people using Special Low Vision Readers | IALVS

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The International Academy of Low Vision Specialists Helps Patients Live Their Best Life.

Too many patients leave their eye doctors office believing that there is nothing else that can be done aside from managing the disease. We know differently. The IALVS is passionate about helping people from all over North America recover their day to day functioning.

Our network of highly trained Low Vision doctors help patients throughout the United States and Canada with eye diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, cataracts, and more regain the ability to do the tasks that they want to do.

We can help you find a Low Vision specialist in your area and get you started on the road to better vision solutions for a better quality of life.
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Thanks for posting this - it gives me some hope.


Omg wow! What are these lenses called? I’m blind and only have light perception, some movement detection but most of my color vision is ok if an image is close enough. I wear lenticular lenses of x6 power. Normally these are used for low vision reading but I wear them full time and love the extra visual information I can see. I have field loss of 10 degrees OU, congenital nystagmus with oscillopsia severely, severe congenital amblyopia where only right eye sees, and cortical visual impairment CVI, never had normal vision. Does your glasses help someone like me? I’m 36 y/o, a twin of whom also has identical vision, low vision, blindness. Please help...
