The Blessing of Life for Evermore ~ Daniel H. Wells ~ JOD 18:12

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Journal of Discourses, Volume 18, Discourse 12,

The Blessing of Life for Evermore, The Lord Commanded the United States Government to Purchase Freedom for Their Slaves, Reformation Necessary that the Saints May Progress Faster, Salvation Comes By Faithfulness and Endurance in Christ, Daniel H. Wells,

Discourse by President Daniel H. Wells, delivered at the Forty-Sixth Semi-Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Thursday Morning, Oct. 7, 1875

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We are united in our faith, in our works, and in our feelings and interests; and in every capacity that is possible the Latter-day Saints should stand shoulder to shoulder, presenting before the Lord and before the world an unbroken phalanx to resist the powers and insinuations of the enemy and the approaches of evil in every direction. The people here are increasing and multiplying, they are disposed, as a general thing, to do as the Lord wants them to do; but wickedness will creep in. We must purify our hearts. The Lord says—"Son, give me thy heart." We must give our hearts to the Lord our God, then he can accept of us. Many are called but few are chosen."

Daniel H. Wells

This is a great quote!

Great talk! I appreciate your work. Thank you!
