Lec - 01 | Introduction - CSS Course in Urdu/Hindi 2024 | PK Tutorials

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CSS Introduction

☞ Describe the box model in CSS.
☞ How does CSS differ from HTML?
☞ What is the purpose of a CSS selector?
☞ How can you include comments in CSS?
☞ What is CSS, and what does it stand for?
☞ How do you override specific styles in CSS?
☞ What is the "float" property in CSS used for?
☞ What is the CSS clearfix technique used for?
☞ What are pseudo-classes in CSS? Give an example.
☞ How can you create a responsive grid layout using CSS?
☞ Explain the CSS box-sizing property and its possible values.
☞ What are the advantages of using CSS in web development?
☞ How do you select elements based on their class using CSS?
☞ Explain the concept of CSS specificity and how it is calculated.
☞ What is the purpose of media queries in CSS? Provide an example.
☞ How can you center an element horizontally and vertically using CSS?
☞ Explain the three ways to incorporate CSS styles into an HTML document.
☞ Explain the concept of specificity in CSS and how it affects style application.
☞ How can you apply different styles for different devices or screen sizes using CSS?
☞ What is the difference between inline, internal, and external CSS? When would you use each?


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Lecture by M.Asad Khan


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