I don't like Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 2/2

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I don't like types in Markup either. Var to Code is like DIV to UI (Markup). My code is like 95% divs these days. If you need in-built types like 'img' or 'table' or 'video' then go ahead, but you can keep the majority of the layout as divs. Don't bother with types like 'span' or 'button' or anything unessential you can create most of those things with divs. See my video 'div is the most important element in html'. Creating custom types is just overkill.

0:00 What's Markup
1:18 Everything is a BOX
2:22 XAML in C# example
3:53 XML vs JSON
5:36 JSON is a hierarchy of objects
7:52 HTML is a hierarchy of divs
9:42 JS Frameworks Are Pushing XML
10:22 Summary
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J'apprécie ton approche de la programmation :
Simple et pragmatique.


I love this logic. Object is fun. Oop is not.


How would you handle a sequence of actions that require waiting for the previous to finish?

In C# you can use a coroutine, or use "commands" in a list that callback when completed.

yield return FadeToBlack();
Log("Faded Out");
yield return FadeFromBlack();
Log("Faded In");

I know data-oriented requires events to be entries into an array that you're iterating through.


Thank you so much for your videos, I appreciate them a lot.


What is your favourite "fat free" way of turning a JavaScript code into a native app? You mentioned a "web view app" in another video I think but they, again, seem to come with a lot of files and clutter.


Slt, comment puis-je soutenir ta chaîne..???


interpro7 channel he did why i hate oop video he tries to implement classes in python. its a bit funny video. What do you think that ?


javascript is getting very complex too. every year more "resources" to receive "all programmers" of all languages! And it looks like it won't stop.
soon the javascript programmer, besides the frameworks will be programming in all paradigms too.
burnout will be more common every day.


I binge watched all your content yesterday. Your channel is great and your videos really speak to me as a fellow developer struggling in the industry that pushes us to more and more complexity. Thank you for giving us a voice!


I'm still watching all your videos (so I apologies if you'd already addressed this), but it would be interesting to hear how you go about (unit) testing and debugging your code. I come from Swift and Kotlin and other compiled languages, so if I have a function that accepts let's say a string and an integer as parameters - and I pass in two strings, the compiler will scream at me. My understanding is that JS would just be like "fine, I can work with that" and then I'd have to deal with some strange result not knowing what caused it right away. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to challenge you, I'm genuinely curious and as a minimalist myself, I find your philosophy and approach fascinating and very appealing. Thanks in advance!


Hello, I believe I do share the same philosophy with u since I started working with JS (initially from a .Net world). JS sounds like " less is more .."
Thank u for the effort man, all this makes me learn more from you, even work with you :)


I love the way you think about programming, but to truely understand the art of javascript programming can you breakdown Design Patterns: creational, structural, behavioral. PLEASE!!!


I know you are saying that it is your opinion, but I'm starting to question if you ever programmed anything bigger than hello world page. The "XML" is not coming back because of the frameworks, those frameworks are popular, BECAUSE they have components. Do you not realize that in order to have a sidebar be sidebar you would have to copy paste mountains of "div"s to every page that used it? And what is more, do you also not realize that you would have no idea what the div actually represented? The components try to eliminate duplication that would happen otherwise. It moves the piece of code that would otherwise be repeated into a component and gives it a name. Saying everything should just be divs is like saying we should program in assembly, because abstraction is somehow bad for some reason...


You only recommend div tag element. So how am i create textbox in html for input? or i have to use input tag ? Actually lets extends this not only textbox but also checkbox etc.


Thanks to your videos, I'm doing my personal projects in a functional style, it's so much more simple and enjoyable than working with classes and constructors. It was also nice to find someone who appreciates Javascript, it's a fun and versatile language.


Good stuff, you need like 10k more subscribers, I wish more folks could see this.


I am a 2-year newbie programmer and I am very much inspired by your content. Do you sell any tutorials? Would love to learn from you or do you mind sharing some of the programming books that you think are good to read?


I want to build a user login system for a smaller project. What is the most simple way to do this? I guess I have to use a data bank and - if I want to use JS - node. However, the tutorials I have found still seem a bit complicated to me.


I always used just divs. They're the simplest.
