Minecraft 1.18 Simple Redstone Trash Can Tutorial!

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Today I will be showing you how to make a simple trash can In Minecraft. It's a great way to get rid of all the junk items that are clogging up your chests!

1 comparator
2 repeaters
6 Redstone dust
1 dropper
1 chest
blocks of your choice
1 lava bucket

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I thought I pinned a comment a while back but I guess not. Dropper not a dispenser 🙂


If you're having trouble: the second Redstone Repeater must be followed by a solid block. It must be Redstone Wire, Redstone Repeater, Solid Block in that order. Without the solid block opposite the Redstone Wire of the second Redstone Repeater, it does not make the dispenser function.


Absolutely love this simple build. I've built this probably 20+ times over the past couple years. I put it at the end of all my mob farm sorters to get rid of trash I don't want I and keep trash cans in my storage areas.

One thing I do change. I like using a cactus instead of lava because it's quieter.

10 / 10


Use a trapped chest so nothing drops until it closes.


Thanks! Previously, my bin was just a block of lava outside of my base and I'm glad you probably saved me from dying.


there is a safety feature- place a pressure plate or lever in front of the chest, and when it is on, the hopper receives a signal so it doesnt get any items. Turn off this signal (either the lever or pressure plate) and the chest functions as a trash can again. I used this with my pigman gold farm, to dump out the gold swords when I’m done. Personally I just use a pressure plate because I’d be standing on it to get my gold either way, and I only leave when all i’m left with are rotten flesh and swords.


Thank you! I made it with trapped chest like the comment said, and I used cobble stones instead of block of iron. Thank you again for the easy and to the point video! It was a lot of help :)


First attempt, items didn't go from the hopper to the dropper because I connected the hopper to the filler block (I used dirt) by accident (because right-clicking the dropper just opens the dropper menu, so I had to click elsewhere to actually place the hopper). I fixed the issue by replacing the dropper with a solid block, placing the hopper on it (making sure it was connecting downwards), and then replacing the solid block with the dropper once more. Works perfectly now!


I saw the thumb nail then I built it with out the vid I am proud of myself


I don’t know when this particular feature was added, but if you want to completely prevent fire spreads, or in my case, a parrot somehow teleporting into the isolated lava block and dying, then use a cauldron full of lava in place of lava by itself


Still works in 1.20.2! Thanks for the neat tutorial :)


Thank you for this information. I did struggle to get it going, but once I figured it out from other sources it worked great! The primary issue I ran into is the hopper wasn’t leading into the dropper because you couldn’t place it on top of the dropper directly, so it wasn’t sending items into it. What I found resolved the issue was I had to lay the hopper on top of dirt first to force it to point down. Afterwards I removed the dirt block to replace it with the dropped. Also, before placing lava it is best to confirm that everything is functioning first before placing lava.


This was short and simple, thank you!


if anyone has any problems with the hopper not putting stuff in the dropper make sure the hopper pipe is pointing downwards, best bet to do this is to just put a block were the dropper is going to go then jump up and place the pipe then confirm that the pipe "feeds" into the solid block then replace the solid block with the dropper


For anyone who is having troubles: i used 2 hoppers one on top of dropper and one on top of the 1st hopper then put a chest on top of that and it worked.


It works perfectly. Awesome yet simple build. I needed this for my skeleton farm to dispose of the garbage bows and leather armor.


Wasn't sure how to incinerate items that were coming through an item sorter, found this and added this on, thank you!!


The items from the chest stays in the hopper?


You can use a cactus instead of lava if you want to destroy fireproof items


Wife was complaining about no trash mods... built this... now she's complaining about the ticking noise... lol... going to hopper drop this a bunch of blocks to cut down on the tickin. LOL. Thanks for the tutorial!
