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Sometimes the Lord is teaching you about how people behave who are operating in demonic spirits, witchcraft and evil so you can be aware of it for the future. You may be teaching others about what you learned in the future and personal experience is the best teacher although can be painful.

Sometimes God is moving people out of the way so that you can walk into your blessing.

Sometimes the Lord is using the time of waiting to increase your faith that ultimately He will come through for you and when your circumstances finally change you will be even more thankful and grateful and that when you must wait for things in the future your faith will be stronger to endure.

Sometimes God is developing your character through the circumstances. Think about Joseph being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Then he was lied about by Potiphars wife who wanted sex with him and he did what was right and ran from her but accused and thrown into prison for 3 years before finally being positioned into number 2 behind the Pharaoh in all of Egypt.

Sometimes God has to wait for you to change yourself from loving your sin more than obeying God because there are consequences to sin. You must forgive all who hurt you, repent for your pride and sin and command demons to leave you. Then walk in the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control). Also humility and sexual purity.

Sometimes when you are married to a Jezebel (woman or man) the Lord must show you that they have a freewill to choose to change and get delivered or not. When the Lord tells you they will not change it is time to get out.

Sometimes when you are tired of waiting for your Kingdom spouse God has been working in the life of your future wife or husband to change them to be prepared to meet you and be mostly delivered. Make sure you are working on yourself to be healed and delivered as you wait.

Sometimes God is working on you to develop your spiritual gift of long suffering and patience without complaining as this is maturing you in Christ.

Sometimes God told you not to connect to a person but you did anyway - so now you are enduring consequences for that decision and you are the one who must break your connection away from them.

Sometimes God is waiting for you to stop complaining about your circumstances before He will change them - remember the Israelites complained in the desert about everything so they all died without going into their Promised land (Joshua and Caleb were able to go in and lead their children).

Sometimes God is waiting for you to humble the pride out of yourself.

Sometimes you have been afflicted with a physical infirmity because you harbor unforgiveness in your heart towards someone who hurt you and you need to forgive before you can see healing. Matthew 18:21-35. Matt 6:14-15

Sometimes you need to throw away an item that was given to you which was cursed by a witch or Freemasons.

You can order my book Freedom From Soul Wounds and Demons or request a personal session by clicking on my LinkTree on my profile

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I will be so thankful when God changes and improves my circumstances. 🙏🏾


I have had issues with all of this, but I go to God about it and listen to testimony, reading scriptures...prayer gives me hope, which fundamentally is still a blessing. I can do all things in Christ, but He's already conquered, so Im just walking this out, good and bad with Him. I've been delivered, but deliverance really is a way of life, not a one time thing.


I want to break away from an ungodly relationship but I have no where else to go! Oh Lord, make a way when there seems to be no way!!


I get tired true enough but I know God was tired of me doing a lotta things but he still protected me and had my back.When I think about that I know I gotta be patient Jus like he was, He came thru for me even when I didn’t deserve it so I gotta have faith and hold on🙏🏾


I receive the word of God. In the name of Jesus Christ
Thank you for sharing His word.


Powerful post and word especially link with sickness and unforgivness


I'm growing in the waiting. Standing for marriage restoration. Been over 5 yrs going in 6. Can't wait to see what he's going to do. Please pray for my beautiful isabel


of these things at once😊
I wait on u all the day Lord.
Though i know not what i wait for.
I wait on you alone❤❤❤


I have wanted to give up many times but when i think about the fact that its what the devil wants me to do - i encourage my self immediately. Remember the suffering of Job?, The devil did all those evil things to Job just to get him to do one simple thing - *deny God and give up*.
The enemy is willing to go to greater length to make us give up on God but like Job said, "As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will rise up over the dust of this world. Even after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God. . Job 19:25-26 " Halleluiah!
We shall win in the end if we do not give up! Be encouraged my brother my sister. You are not alone!


Nelson’s book, Freedom From Soul Wounds and demons is so helpful. All his books are really helpful and such a blessing. Thank you for your faithful work, brother.


God owes me nothing my blessing is getting out of this world and being with Jesus Christ


It's like God asking me to be perfect when I'm not. It's like "be this version" when I'm certainly far from it. It's like hey you're this, not this when I feel the exact opposite. All I can say is, this is so damn painful.


naw i’m not tired because im not waiting on god anymore. i count every day as my own blessing & just keep swimming at my own pace. i’m not waiting on anyone! i’ve learned to depend on no one if i want to get anywhere or get anything done.


Thank you for this one brother! So so good! ❤


I'm so tired. I'm so broken. I can't keep on. I need help from God. I need a miracle. Please pray for me and my family.


I just got your book yesterday 🙏 I am grateful and looking forward to what Jesus is doing 🙏♥️🙏


Like The GOOD SAMARITAN Story Remember??? ❤ 🕊 MuchLove N LOVE is KIND Sometimes People keep wanting 2 Hold on 2 Religion N stone the woman caught in adultery n the children N Sometimes People Don't help at All tried the spirits one time At A Walmart N ALL the Big Money collector Churchy people with my children n hood up Passed US by Until Finally Some Hippees Came Along N Helped US !!!! MAYBE Sometimes some people need Delivered From Their Ministry N Collecting Money 💰 🤑 💸 2 Cuz Without LOVE we Are A Tinkling Cymbal Cuz ALL GIFTS Prophecys N Such Will Pass Away BUT LOVE is The Greatest That NO One Nothing or Anything Or Anybody Ministry Etc Can Separate US From HIS LOVE Even when In ACTS they Had ALL things In Common N Love older woman like mothers n younger like sisters n men as fathers n brothers But Sometimes ITS Just NOT that Anymore One Mind One SPIRIT N ONE Acchord N Genuine Agape LOVE N Not USE Gifts or Ministry 2 Down People BUT GODS WORD Builds US UP N So We Should Not Think More Highly Of OurSelfies N Not Esteem Better Than Ourselves Hmmm 🤔


Everything you said is true, man of God.


Great to know you are available for help to people. Please give your phone # again.


The Bible says to not repay evil for evil and yet this is what you ALL continue to do to a sister in Christ and it isn't ok!

1 Peter 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)
not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.

Ephesians 4:31-32: “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
