Are fruit and honey causing diabetes?

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Remember, she's the same woman who thinks that red wine is good for you


So glad because I've been seeing this lady all over my feed! Intuitively I felt she was wrong. Thank you!


She is speaking in terms of blodsugar Thats her focus, and she is right. Drink a glass of orange juice and see how ur blodsugar spikes like crazy. She never said they are not nutritious


U guys have to listen. She doesn’t say to eliminate all these sugars .. she just has hacks for stabilizing ur blood sugars . Like eating veggies and protein or fats first .. then the sugar/ carb


Tbh our fruit has been genetically modified to be bigger and sweeter everywhere


Former carnivore here. I eat fruit and honey, and I feel great, and my blood work is better now than it was on zero carb.


I love stuff like this. We need people respectfully disagreeing. I’d love to see these two on a podcast together have a conversation about health.


She's not wrong. No sugar is healthy, doesnt matter what plant it comes from. That doesnt mean the food it comes from is unhealthy. Fruit has vits/mins, antioxidants, fiber.. Doesn’t say to avoid fruit/carbs. She, like her name/channel imply, is focused on glucose and what spikes it and how to reduce the spikes (her "hacks"). She is not wrong in that fruit, especially juice, and carbs do indeed spike blood glucose. Again, not saying to eliminate them. Her "hacks" are changing the order you eat your food and adding vinegar. She actually boasts that you dont have to give up your carbs at all.


I've been consuming raw honey with salt and bee pollen daily for about 3 months now. Along with eliminating all processed foods. I'm already 20 pounds down. My workouts aren't hard-core. I do at home YouTube workouts, and I'm shedding the weight off like crazy. I drink watermelon juice almost every other day. Homemade pineapple smoothies and orange smoothies (i like to use the entire fruit and blend it so that I can ingest all the fiber). I've never felt better. I focus on an animal based diet rich in fruits, meat, certain veggies, and lots of yogurt.


Paul, you're not even trying anymore. That study was funded by the National Watermelon Promotion Board. This "study" is no different than Coke creating a study to show how great Coke is.


FACTS!! I thought you were gonna agree. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. She saw a holistic Dr. in Mexico. We couldn't afford it but he gave her health advice. He gave her an anti cancer drink to drink everyday. It was a combo of organic fruits and veggies. Tons of sugar. He also told her to quit coffee and so much more. After months 4 or so, of no carbs or sugars and no processed foods or seed oils etc. she's been healed. No cancer at all. Of course there was a TON of prayers up for her and I have no doubt God led us on this journey.


Eating fruit and honey as my only source of carbs gave me fatty liver


Best way I feel like judging which is the way to go, is by looking at how lively and healthy the person on that diet looks, which I feel that you paul, look like a bronze greek olympian, always full of energy, always keeping it real, and that's how I wanna look and feel


Fruit and honey are not for everyone. It’s all sugar, just like she says. Our body makes what it needs.


Blood sugars do go sky high after drinking fruit juice.


dude i'll never give up a bowl of dates with honey on top. its truly a divine dessert


Hard for me to get on board with this because of my personal experiences. Plants ruined my digestion for 36 years. I'm slowly rebuilding. Sugar ruined my blood sugar for the same time period. I'm definitely getting better and hoping I eventually get to a place where I can agree, but for now, for me, I have to either eliminate sugar and plants entirely, or eat them in very small quantities. I've tried to reintroduce things and every time I do, I have a flare up. Most plants and carbs reignite inflammation and arthritis in my hands and hips. Going on 2 years carnivore.


I disagree. Fruits are great for you but in moderation, their sugar levels are still very high because of genetic modification


Thank you for addressing glucose goddess. She seems cool and genuine, but if we can thrive and have more optimum health with more delicious natural foods like fruit and honey, then I feel that's the way to go


My allegiance is to Paul and his way of thinking. But I am so pathetically attracted to this woman that I keep watching her when she shows up in my feed 😂
