NEAR - DEATH EXPERIENCES RESEARCH: What happens when we Die? Afterlife & Beyond w/ Dr. Bruce Greyson

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Dr. Greyson is the world’s leading medical expert on Near-Death Experiences.

Dr. Bruce Greyson is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the UVA School of Medicine. He served on the medical school faculty at the Universities of Michigan, Connecticut, and Virginia. Dr. Greyson is the author of, AFTER: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond. The book offers answers about the mysteries of life and death and includes several of the most dramatic first-person accounts of Near-Death Experiences.

This is his story, and this is his Passion.

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What a beautiful man he almost cried 3 times during this interview what an open heart he has, his work is of the utmost importance in this day and age people are so disconnected from their true higher self.


Thank you, Luisa. I appreciate Dr. Greyson, his discipline, his openness to the unknown, as a scientist and as a human being. And I appreciate your questions!


I absolutely LOVE your channel Luisa! Your content and guests are amazing! Thank you for your passionate work! 🙏🏻❤️


Thanks so much for this wonderful discussion. It came up on my notifications today after a long session planning the order of service for my mother’s funeral. She passed away early this week, so this came to me just at the right time.
I knew Mum was going to pass before my father’s birthday since I had a dream in which he said he had to get Mum, and in the dream, he was 111. He would be turning 112 soon.
Last month, I had another dream in which I found Mum standing in my kitchen. I was surprised to see her since she had been bedridden for over a year. As soon as I questioned how she could be here, since she was not able to walk, she dematerialised in a cloud of smoke. I woke up and checked the time. It was 3:15 am. Next day Mum would not eat her dinner. I asked her why, and she said that it was 3.15 in the morning and no time to be eating dinner.
A few weeks ago, after being in a state of confusion, she was suddenly lucid and was back to her old self before dementia had set in. She spoke about her family and childhood, telling me how her brother had died. She suddenly turned her head, saying that she could see him standing beside her. Next day she was lost in her mental fog again.
A couple of days ago I was watching an interview with Rupert Sheldrake, who was asked what he thought happens when you die. He said that when you die, you dream in your dream body, but no longer wake up to your physical body.
Your discussions about this topic are a great gift and blessing to the world. Thanks again for this interesting talk. 🙏


Ebenezer Scrooges' experience was like an NDE. He had a life review and became a better man because of it.


It’s funny when I met my guardian angel he asked “do you remember me” and I was like “of course how could I forget you” 😂 but my whole life I never knew or remembered him or believed in angels yet in that other state of being I KNEW him and loved him so much like the way I love my mother here on earth, he was family 😇🙏🏼💙


Another good one, Luisa. I’ve followed Dr. Greyson for a number of years. Nice review. Thanks so much for sharing. Keep on keeping on girl.


Great interview! I love this topic! Thank you to Dr. Greyson & Luisa!


my favorite interview. Dr. Greyson such a humble man.


When anyone says to me I don’t believe in GOD I always point them straight to NDES, once you watch enough experiences from all these different people it becomes pretty undeniable there’s is an intelligence out there that knows you and has always known you 😇💙🙏🏼


I am from India, I saw this discussion,
It was just Fascinating to


I like how well he sums up his reflective view of these case studies. I sense also how this touches him personally inside, as well it would me.


Excellent show. I've always admired the humility and intellect of Dr. Greyson.


Wonderful Luisa! NDEs are one of my favourite subjects, and Dr Greyson presented so much amazing and powerful evidence. I also found the mention of how time is different during an NDE to be very interesting. About a week ago I had a deep insight into time. It came from pondering what I put in a comment before about how everything exists in a big NOW which is like a book, whilst the little now we experience in time seems to be the gap between past and future, and is like a single page of the book. Pondering that I realised that, whilst being an explanation for the temporal sequence of now moments that we experience, it doesn't explain the ultimate question of where time comes from. It explains the sequential nature of time, but doesn't explain how it is that we experience the sequence one step at a time. So having outlined such a good question I prepared to use my creative guidance to get a clue, but as things happened I didn't need one because I had the insight simply from clarifying the question, and what Bruce said about NDE time fits with that understanding. Its too much to put in a comment, but eventually I plan to make a video about it.


"When you lose your fear of dying, you also lose your fear of living." Wow.


Enjoyed this interview so much. Thank you, passionate Luisa!


Thank you Luisa, your videos are always so interesting. This was exceptional.


Thank you for this interview. Uplifting.


Another belter 💙❤️💙❤️ thank you Luisa, and what a lovely man xxxx


Luisa, great interview! The topic is near and dear to my heart and experiences!💕🙏🏼😃
