Cosmo Sheldrake - Improv #3

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New EP Wild Wet World is out now. It is composed out of recordings of the ocean and some of the wonderful creatures and ecosystems that live within it. 50% of the publishing income will be distributed among a variety of marine conservations organisations (listed below). Also I did a little improvised live session playing with some of the sounds, this video is one of them.

Below is a list of some of the charities and organisations that Wild Wet World will support:
• Oceana
• The Marine Conservation Society
• Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
• Whale and Dolphin Conservation Organisation
• World Cetacean Alliance
• Sussex Dolphin Project
• Coral Reef Alliance

My music, shows/tour dates, merch, socials and more can be found here

Director: Narna Hue
Director of Photography: Tom Jacob
Filmed in March 2023.
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Yet another masterpiece that is not on Spotify


i'm absolutely in love with your vibes


this man is just...fantastic XD he always just seems so happy to be doing what he's doing and I hope he tours the US soon <3


This is such a studio ghibli movie vibe


Have you ever thought of wanting to make the soundtrack for a game?


Another beautiful one! Thank you so much for everything you do! 🐋💕


I showed this to my 10 month old baby and she smiled and clapped.
Purest possible reaction 🥹💓


holy shit.... i am blown away by the free spirited natural beats. the definition of whimsical sounds 💚


I absolutely love this. Makes me want to sing along with the Wales and tell stories like if known them my whole life


wow, you are a genius of composition!

I've always wanted to do something like this but I've never had the time to learn the mixing or compositional skills, so i thank you for living my dream of making ocean sounds music.


I don't know how to describe how I feel right now. It's all so wonderful that I don't have a word for it.


these uploads are keeping me going until my record ships! 💫i love how it starts to sound like they're talking to us at 4:40 🐠🌊


The fact my man is just improvising makes this music more wonderful.


Waking what felt like mere moments after closing your eyes for the night, you’re startled to consciousness by… something… and find yourself in a place you can only describe as oceanic and whimsical. Sitting up you pinched yourself in disbelief, just in case, but to no avail, this was most certainly… real. Looking around at the colorful coral trees, topped with equally as such anemone, which flowed in the light breeze as if underwater, you couldn’t help the growing sense of wonder that rose within you. Refocusing on yourself as you stood you realized you were surrounded by tiny flashing fishlike creatures, darting about as if like underwater fireflies.

You aren’t underwater… *right?*

Getting a closer look at a nearby coral tree, you see shimmering algae spotted here and there as if it were some version of lichen. It was all so beautiful.

You start suddenly as you hear a curious sound like a bird call crossed with whale song. Turning, you saw more fishlike creatures, bigger this time and birdlike, perched on the coral branches of a muted purple tree, all colored in bright pinks, oranges and yellows. What you assumed was the same creature as before called once more and turned sideways on its branch, looking down a path beyond the tree you hadn’t noticed yet, then briefly back at you, called again and hopped to the next tree down the path. You had a feeling you were to follow, so you took a step, and hesitated. Seeing this, two of the other creatures hopped towards the first, who as well hopped further down the path and called to you again, slightly louder this time as if saying ‘com-on! We want to show you something!’ Some of the flashing fish as well followed, blinking back and forth between each other playfully, and invitingly, while some stayed with you, blinking more calmly, though still excited, obviously ready to follow and curious as to whether you would, or not.

Taking a breath, you started down the path.

As you went the flashing fish continued their playful blinking, and the birdlike creatures began to call to each other, each call adding to a melody between themselves that, while rhythmic, was strange and unfamiliar, yet beautiful and enchanting, whimsical and full. The flashing fish as well joined in, blinking and winking in time with the dancing rhythm.
Soon later the creatures flew- or.. swam..? (This still boggled you greatly-) out as if into the open, leaving you and the calmer flashing fish at the edge of a wide open clearing, where you stopped, and marveled.
What first caught your gaze were these bright, though still gently, glowing fairy-light-like things expertly strung about and through the coral trees, as well also hanging like curtains in front of other openings at the clearings edge. The flashing fish seemed to like playing around them, which you thought was highly adorable. Then your ears caught the light peasant sound of lilting music somewhere off to your left, of the same kind and presumably from the same creatures as what you’d walked with.
Then movement caught your eye, and following it, you stilled.

There, were the most delicate, yet simultaneously powerful creatures- people? You’d ever seen, their colors were more muted than their surroundings, but no less varied or striking, clothed in effortless looking flowing garments, they had scales dotting where the sun shon most, fins, tails, gills, and hair that flowed about them as if they were actually underwater. Not to mention the fact they were.. well swimming, about, doing different things as if preparing for some sort of festival or celebration.

Suddenly feeling self conscious, and quite a bit plain compared to the beauty before you, you hugged yourself, and, not really wanting to be seen, you took a step back. A millisecond too late however, the flashing fish still around you did so suddenly, you heard a slight noise like the rapid movement of fins, caught sight of that first birdlike creature out your peripheral before your foot landed on a strategically placed piece of coral, and the creature let out a call much like joyous laughter, announcing your presence.

Freezing as heads turned to look, you had a feeling you’d either gone pale, or bright red, you honestly couldn’t tell which. Then, against what you felt were all odds, they smiled, welcomingly, making noises of delight or giving words of welcome and greeting. Subconsciously relaxing slightly in your incredulity, you stilled again as one of them, colored in oranges and yellows, and who you were pretty sure was a male, swam over and stood before you, grinning jovially. Holding out his hand, palm up, as if for you to take, he asked “Welcome, my name is Layoh, what is yours?” You weren’t sure what to do for a second, but relaxed a little more and managed to stutter our your name, to which he smiled a lopsided toothy grin, and said “That’s a wonderful name!” You yourself couldn’t help but smile at that and thanked him before he asked “Would you like to join the festivities? We always love having newcomers!” Pausing, you looked out at the clearing again, feeling a little nervous and self conscious again.

Layoh seemed to pick up on this and grinned slightly wider “Don’t worry, ” he said leaning in conspiratorially, “The flashins really like you!” He added, still grinning, “So I have a feeling you’ll fit right in, you’ll find your scales!” You were confused for a moment as He, picking up on that was well, glanced down for a second, as if looking for something, grinned a little wider, gently took your hand and gestured to a spot on the back of it “You’ve even already found one!” He finished, still grinning, and as you looked, sure enough, there was a shining scale in a color all your own.

Shocked, you marveled at it for a second, before looking back up at Layoh with wide eyes, to which he chuckled “Find as many scales as you can friend! Come and go as you like, we will welcome you every time.” He said, offering his hand once more.

You took it this time without hesitation, though still timid, and entered this new place that felt…

Like home.


I am 110% convinced this man is one of three things, The god pan, a member of the tuatha de danann, or a fae and no one can tell me otherwise


Yep I’m feelin it. Nature spawns creativity. We are one.


This is you improving? Wow. I’m in tears. 😭


love you man thanks for the asmr at the beginning :D


I needed that, more than i thought. Thanks Cosmo <3


every time i watch you play music like this i fall in love a little bit
i love watching the movements you make to keep time and your facial expression while you create, it's very charming :)
