Factory tune actually prohibits full engine torque from being delivered until engine is at operating temperature
I love how you acknowledge the engine temp in the title lol. Although the fuel isn’t that low.
It’s not bad actually, it’s just it falls out of the powerband hard in 3rd gear
And of course like every other Cruze, it has a check engine light.
I low key feel like these are your customers cars and they have no idea that this is occurring
0:06 I’m not sure why GM made this shift point the way it is. It drops down to 4K RPM, it really could have used another gear here…
Can you add the horsepower / torque details in the description? Great video as always
why even bother you couldve just waited 5 mins for atleast the coolant to be warm.... lol
Aaaand ofcourse the engine light is on lol
Does this have a tune or some little mod on it because 2 of my friends had these one was the 1.8 the other the turbo and they both sucked shit. They were so slow and I drove a jetta 2.0 115 hp at the time so that says a lot