Probability Questions Answers PDF | Probability Distributions Textbook Class 9-12 Test | Free Apps

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Probability Questions Answers PDF | Probability Distributions Textbook Class 9-12 Test | Free Apps @mcqslearn

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0:00 Introduction
0:16 The type of distribution which is useful when the occurrences of events are constant is classified as
0:36 The probability of failure in binomial distribution is denoted by
0:56 The variance of binomial probability distribution is larger in value if
1:16 If the random samples are drawn without replacement and the population from which samples are drawn is infinite then the method which is not applicable is
1:35 The value which is used to measure the distance between mean and random variable x in terms of standard deviation is called
1:55 The type of probability distribution whose standard deviation is one and the mean is equal to zero is classified as
2:15 The symbol λ is used to represent
2:35 The formula of variance of uniform or rectangular distribution is as
2:57 The probability distribution having shape of bell and in which the values of mean lies in center of probability distribution is classified as
3:16 The formula of calculating the variance for negative binomial distribution is
3:36 In the normal distribution, the normal curve becomes more wider and more flatter because of
3:57 The binomial probability distribution is classified as skewed to left if
4:17 If the μ is equal to 4 then the variance of exponential probability distribution is
4:37 If the parameter μ is 11 and the n of the gamma distribution is 50 then the variance of gamma distribution is
4:57 For the Gamma distribution, if the value of n is equal to 15 and the value of μ is 7 then the expected value for this distribution is
5:17 If the value of min beta distribution is 5 and the value of n is 25 then the standard deviation of beta distribution is
5:38 The successful life of product, the time, the weight and the height are classified as
5:59 The number of units multiply profit per unit multiply probability to calculate
6:19 The probability of success increases in the binomial probability distribution if the value of
6:40 In beta distribution, the expected value of random variable x is calculated as
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