Boxelder: The Indestructible Native Tree

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Boxelder (Acer negundo) is a species of fast-growing Maple native to the Eastern US. In the wild it grows in floodplains but in cultivation it grows like a weed! It is not the best shade tree ever, but definitely not the worst either, taking on a great low-branching sprawling form when open grown.
If you want to grow boxelder, collect seeds in the fall (helicopters) and place them in soil over the winter. In the spring they will sprout and grow rapidly, barely ever being browsed by deer or rodents in my experience.

I'm fortunate enough to have a lot of these in my neighborhood.

The put out a lot of seeds.

I wanted several of these to form a privacy wall at the back of my yard. I didn't have to plant anything. I just picked out the volunteers that had happened to take root at the correct spots, pulled out the rest, and left them a couple years.

I have to be pretty aggressive with pruning to keep them down to an appropriate height, now.

They will definitely grow in cracks in a sidewalk. I'm not willing to commit to the experiment of seeing how big one growing in such a place could get, though. I'd be worried it would win out over the sidewalk in the end.


I like these trees, even though a lot of people hate then. I understand they have a sloppy growth habit, but they seem to grow fast, so I am going to grow some from seed that I collected in my neighborhood. I am located in zone 3


I do not like these tree winter time those tree brake and nothing but a mess and let not talk about the red and black bugs they have


that's cool it grows fast even in pots


Bro I have one of these trees in my yard but I need to build a garage and I sadly have to cut it out its twice the size of a human and grows in every direction
. I have no seeds how can I grow a new one ?snap a branch off? And put in water ? Help needed asap 😅 yes Europe 🌍


These trees suck. Bring millions of boxelder bugs and seeds allover your gutters and patios.
