'All The Good Times' -- 5-String Banjo Tutorial Lesson in 3/4 Time

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Hear this tune played with guitar rhythm backup (slow, medium, fast) starting at 10:22. Guitar chords are provided on-screen. Remember, basic guitar rhythm for 3/4 time songs is "Pick (bass note)-Strum-Strum, Pick-Strum-Strum."

This is an instructional tutorial 5-string bluegrass banjo lesson teaching my version of the popular Bluegrass / Old Time song "All the Good Times Are Past and Gone."

On this video I teach the tune lick by lick, phrase by phrase, using on-screen tablature, then I put it together -- slowly at first, then faster toward the end, adding rhythm guitar audio overlay and on-screen chord prompts.

Hope you enjoy.
Рекомендации по теме

Got my banjo 3 years ago. First lesson I found was your Foggy Mountain Roll exercise. Been following your lessons ever since. Really like your teaching method. Thanks for passing all the good stuff on.


I've been wanting to learn this song for so long and have always thought "if only William Nesbitt posted it because he's the best!" so thank you very much for posting this :)


Another awesome lesson! Thank you & I look forward to the next!


Hey man you should do Home Sweet Home by Earl Scruggs! I have wanted to learn that one for years
