Week in my life vlog: a book haul, last days in France, NYC

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In this week’s edition: a French book haul, my little life in France chugs along, snow, more pensive walks, New York, I jump back into city life

0:49 La vengeance m’appartient
2:15 Blueberries
3:18 Seduction
4:28 book haul
10:45 La vengeance m’appartient
15:16 People Collide


La vengeance m’appartient (Vengeance is Mine) by Marie NDiaye (2021)
Blueberries: Essays Concerning Understanding by Ellena Savage (2020)
Seduction: Sex, Lies, and Stardom in Howard Hughes's Hollywood by Karina Longworth (2018)
People Collide by Isle McElroy (2023)
The Atmospherians by Isle McElroy (2021)
L’amie prodigieuse I-IV (Neapolitan quartet) by Elena Ferrante (trans. Elsa Damien)
Des âmes simples by Pierre Adrian (2017)
Le deuxième sexe (The Second Sex) by Simone de Beauvoir (1949)
Corps et biens by Robert Desnos (1930)
L’écharpe rouge (The Red Scarf) by Yves Bonnefoy (2016)
Aujourd’hui by Blaise Cendrars (1931)
Pas dormir (Sleepless: A Memoir of Insomnia) by Marie Darrieussecq (2021)

Insta: @sdelphis
StoryGraph: @sdelphis
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So firstly… that grey and white chic cardigan is THE ONE. I want it. Secondly, the scenery around you is so stunning and love the snippets. Great book haul and that Folio bumbag is gorg. Loved the snow glee. I also want that shiny floral housecoat. She’s an icon! Sorry about the food poisoning, fainting NYC transition. Poor you!


This was so gorgeous - love the snow and the sea and the design of the french books and the notebooks! Although food poisoning while travelling is 😨 Siân


Snow! Doggies! Housecoat! Lovely vlog as always seeing you traverse the world. I havent read the atmospherians so people collide really came outta nowhere for me. A surprising delight!


I always love watching your vlogs! 🇫🇷🇺🇸🗽 glad you made it to NYC safe & sound and that you overcame the food poisoning unscathed!


yessss marie ndiaye!! i love that you felt the same about this one as i did with my heart hemmed in - it’s so much better and more thrilling if you don’t know what you’re getting into!! this one sounds so good but it’s not on scribd, i’ll have to find a physical copy. blueberries is one that i’ve been meaning to get my hands on too!! also loving those red sunglasses that were in one of the nyc clips!!


Loved this Sophie! Sorry you were unwell. Snow!! So amazing to see here in Australia in Summer


I am so jealous of your snow! We’ve had none in London this season and although snow in March is not unheard of, I’m going to be in Mexico for most of it so it’ll have been two no snow years fir me, which is both sad and scary


the glee at the snow! this is so precious! also a book that makes it feel like your spine is in the wrong place is maybe the most compelling way ive heard a book described?? want to be absolutely dislocated by a book


I've not read any Marie Ndiaye, but she sounds like an author I will have to get to soon! I hope you're feeling much better by now; getting sick while traveling is the absolute worst.


i’ve had blueberries on my physical tbr since 2021 when it initially was super popular on booktube 😫 i need to get on it


Glad you made it home safe. Have a good week. peace


I was just reading The Body Where I Was Born by Guadalupe Nettel & the narrator was complaining about the french cahier rule 😆


Oooh, I do want to try that Maria Ndiaye at some point. This one in particular sounds just like the type of book I like to get myself into sometimes! And, the Longfellow non-fiction sounds fascinating! I too absolutely LOATHE traveling…flying, really. The airport thing, really. I like a road trip. Road trips are fun, relaxing. Oh man, food poisoning. Fainting. Jesus. I’m very glad you didnt feel hellish on the plane!

I was so delightfully surprised about how much I enjoyed People Collide. I would not normally be into body swapping, but somehow, Isle pulls it off and as you found, the book is more poignant that one would expect!


Super vlog. La Bretagne sous la neige, les petites vaches, ton manteau! Les mocassins verts … et cette liste de livres. Dis moi des US tu as un site favorit pour acheter des livres en français? Par contre le voyage en train malade pas terrible. Heureusement que tu n’as pas été trop malade. J’ai reçu My Death je le lis cette semaine. Merci de partage tes lectures.


I want to embrace your French landscape!


Snow on lemon trees,
Shiny green shoes,
Howard Hughes girls,
New York à demain


So glad you enjoyed People Collide! Best sex scene!!! Loved how it played with interior and exterior intimacies!


moments like these make me wish I could read in french, I've been doing some investigating on the different english translations of the second sex and the ultimate consensus is that both translations available have been deemed inadequate to the original. Very disappointed but ultimately i decided on the 1st 1952 translation simply because that's what I own. I'll have to compare with your experience in french :)


The video loaded like I was on a dial-up internet. "Cheers" to slower and dumber Youtube!
Last year I started reading more books and got rid of instagramm and twitter, but got hooked on this kind of content here on YT.

This year might be the end of Youtube for me thanks to their ads policies. Adblock forever!
