Narrated D&D Story: Dungeon Master Wants To Hook Up With A Player Who Is Also A Problem

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Is this the craziest DM is nuts story you've ever heard?

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Narration: MyLo (Twitter/VoMylo)

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Is this the craziest DM is nuts story you've ever heard?


DM favoritism turns out to be abuse and harassment. Dang.

Stories like these are horrible, but they're also like modern fables warning us of dangers we might not foresee.


I appreciate some horror stories but I honestly prefer stories about the actual games over stories about drama between the players. Still love the channel, keep it up!


Helpful tip: When someone says they are going to "kidnap your siblings", they aren't in love with you. That's obsession. Take them VERY seriously and call the police.


Everyone: "Ugh, that sounded like some bad real life stuff."

Me: "Heh. Classic bad DM."


That's why open discussion is SO VERY important. This could have been resolved months earlier.


Stories Like this are why I became a pro DM. I got sick of hearing my friends (and countless first-timers) proclaim they'd never play again after drawing a toxic DM.


DnD is not for "drama in the dungeon"


"I'm tired of doing everything."
*15 minutes later*
"I'm tired of not doing anything, I'm leaving."



DUDE, someone else commented that it's not that we want to take away from what they went through, some if not ALL of us could use some more of the positive stories.
Like the one about the guy who raised a dragon, or the one with the kobolds who were wearing that suit that they thought made them look human and set up shop and the whole town knew the WHOLE time but accepted them.
But my all time favorite is the one when the guy was walking his 4 year old daughter home from school and she wanted to play. Out was Soo sweet I loved it. My husband LOVED it and he hates RP games but it melted his heart.


Dude I’d just leave if I found this out lol

And report the DM to never ever DM AGAIN


We (my group) had a... very similar situation last year.
Our DM, the person who got us all together, had become more and more unreasonable. At first it was little things that only some of us picked up on. Our Sorcerer suddenly had no time to play anymore and our Paladin left the group after our DM constantly complained about him being a troublesome player in a way that made me actually tell him that if he's so hard to deal with, it's time to let go. I didn't realized he told me a totally twisted way of things. He then claimed that he needed a break from DMing - ok, we all totally understood. But we wanted to keep playing, so three of us decided to make our own campaigns, playing them tri-weekly on Mondays (so each DM had 3 weeks to prepare for the next session). We invited him to play, but he didn't joined our campaigns - that's fine, no one thought bad about it. He then came back to DMing again, and said to us, that now that he's back, we could stop our campaigns now. Yeah, that was not going to happen, and we told him outright that we'd continue to play our games. (note, his campaign had always been on Saturdays, so there was no scheduling conflict!)
He became more and more frustrated and frustrating in his DMing style, but since we all loved to play with each other, we stuck around. I myself got more and more stressed each Friday with the next session coming up, and realized that I got terrible psychosomatic symptoms from my stress (heart racing, shortness of breath, dizzyness, etc). So when he completely jumped the shark on a Saturday session and all these symptoms flared up inside me, I realized I had to go. This was not worth my health. I left the campaign mid session, explaining that it's mostly due to my mental health.
I got kicked from the Discord Server immediately, with the comment of "hope we can still be friends", that meant, "hope I can still depend on you when I need someone to load my emotional garbage on".
Separated from the others, outside the 3 discord servers we had made for the Monday games, I decided I would not let this stand. I made a new "Hub" server for all of us - except the DM - to join. Saying outright that it wasn't to compete or replace the original server I was kicked out off, but a hub that whenever someone wanted to start a new campaign or one-shot, they could easily invite everyone else.
All immediately joined the server, told me their own stories and experiences with our old DM and shared my feelings about him. Funny enough, our Paladin also joined after I invited him, grateful that he wasn't left out, as I noticed in one of the three Monday games, that all the things our DM told me about him just weren't true.
Not a week later, the original server was no more. Our old DM deleted the server, and whined on reddit about it, claiming that I was a problematic player and other wild stories that weren't true. So in the end, my server became the replacement server after all.
We haven't stopped playing ever since, and we all enjoy our new games so much more then we did his campaigns. The only thing we miss are our old homebrew characters - and yet I think we can find a way to restart or continue his homebrew campaign without him as well some day :)

oh, and btw? He joined as player in a Halloween One-Shot before everything went down - and he was the most awful player we ever had to deal with...


I barely read the title and was like oh this is gonna be good


Times like this I count myself lucky that the worst DMs I've had were boring rules lawyers, meatgrinder party killers or railroad drivers. Not one of them was actually a bad human being, just a bad DM


This is crazy, Ive been playing dnd for about 5 years now. Ive played with a think almost 15 dm's (alot of one shot or small campaigns before the pandemic hit) almost every table ive sat at was a male dm and there was literally always at least one female player. Other than some obligatory awkward "bard hits on female character because thats just how it goes" happening on introduction and 95% of the time never happening again I have NEVER had this constant "male dm always has sexual hang ups with female players" thing happen. The most flirty interaction ive ever seen was a female player playing a female charisma character flirting with all the dm's npc's because it was her style, the dm was the players sister so no sexy favoring there and everything was decided with rolls so there wasnt favoritism in the first place. Is my experience that out of the ordinary? or do people just like to either play in some 40 yr old dude that lives in his parents basement dm?


Most DMs: "For this session I am going to railroad you throughout the entire campaign."

Me: "But what about their freedom?"

Most DMs: "Freedom? Bitch this is 2021."


Omg I hope they all got a restraining order on Alice. Not gonna lie, they could've nipped that in the bud early if Mary told everyone how she felt about receiving all the attention.


I honestly would have been upset if and when I heard about the solo sessions thing, and furious when I discovered no one else would be getting any solo sessions


My sympathies to all the players in that campaign. Hopefully they never have to put up with that creep again.


I, a woman, once had a male DM very clearly coerce me into marrying an NPC I was clearly uncomfortable marrying. Like… we’re talking bribing me with all sorts of “benefits” too. I’m not a huge fan of men in general, so I was pretty obviously annoyed by the entire situation. And the chosen male NPC was a mentally challenged guy so it was guilt tripping to boot. Ugh… I still hate to think back on that campaign even though I loved that character.
