Chefs Review The 'Flexitarian' B12 Vegan Burger | Sorted Food

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Looks like a regular burger. Feels like a regular burger. Bleeds like a regular burger. TASTES like a regular burger?! We were VERY skeptical going into this taste test...but what are your thoughts? Would you give this Flexitarian B12 Vegan Burger a try? #NotAnAd

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I find James' grumpiness and sass is so endearing.
"I don't know what's going on"
"It's the same as usual"
"You don't know what's going on either?"

Also, Jamie the steak man went vegan for a month?! Inconceivable!


‘Instantly I’d say that is the best meat substitute I’ve eaten...because I don’t hate it’
*Such perfect delivery. James’s savagery can never be matched.*


You need to see if you can get your hands on the Impossible Burger for comparison. The Impossible Burger uses heme, (a molecule that is part of hemoglobin, which your blood red and carries oxygen through your body, and also gives meat that "bloody" flavour, ) except it is derived from plant sources to give it that red "bleed" you get from meat and burgers.


Seriously, the ignorance in this comment section is baffling.
1 A large percentage of people who choose not to consume animal products do so for ethical reasons or environmental reasons, not because meat tastes bad.
2 This burger is also designed to appeal to people who want to consume less meat, but because of the taste, or the nutritional convenience of eating meat, fail to do so.


James trying not to be grumpy but still being grumpy is my mood forever and beyond.


I am loving the chefs reviews! Gadgets and food are both great when reviewed by James and Ben!


JAMES! DON'T YOU DARE TRY NOT TO BE GRUMPY! It's my favorite thing about you.


Celebrate beautiful fruit and vegetables !!!! By the way in India especially south India, jackfruit is celebrated in sweets and especially it's seeds make amazing curry . Jackfruit could be used as more than a meat substitute in the UK so it could be celebrated more !


James is good people. It bears saying / repeating.


I don't understand the dislike of veggie/vegan substitute marketing as far as referencing non-vegan food goes. Their names are meant to be an comparison of texture and flavor, and it's a lot easier to call something a "Vegan hamburger" or say it's like hamburger than to describe it as a "Savory and fatty plant based patty with a dense texture that gets a brown crust while staying juicy inside.".

Also, my local shop wouldn't stock a product with a label that said "Crispy ground soy burger!" in huge font because people would run screaming from it in a relatively rural area like this, but a "Chik'n burger" might get someone other than the handful of veggie/vegans around here to try it since it doesn't sound completely alien to them on every level and that helps it stay stocked every week.


So this is the uk version of the impossible burger? I’ve had that, and the burgers looks and bleeds like actual meat. The visuals are even better for the impossible burger. I agree that you guys need to do a comparison. I wouldn’t mind switching, I’m just waiting the price point to drop.


I love this video so much! And as for whether or not we should be concentrating efforts on meat substitutes vs. really good veggie recipes, I don't think there's a simple answer for it. As someone who doesn't eat meat (a cliche way to start a sentence, I know), I absolutely appreciate meat substitutes. I never stopped eating meat because I hated it; on the contrary, it was largely because I felt too dependent on it. Likewise, I would never want to be dependent on meat substitutes either, but I do enjoy a good burger every now and then, and meat subs like this a blessing for those cravings. I love that there's a cruelty-free way to enjoy the same foods, and I'm so happy that you guys are shining a light on that.


I love that you guys embrace and support vegan food. I think it's great that you are exposing people to different options. It makes veganism so much more accessible and less daunting to the general public. Thank you!! P.S. Try the Impossible Burger! Would love to know how it compares!


I shouldn't be watching this when I'm starving D':


As a vegetarian that has been addicted to your channel for years now, I LOVE that you're reviewing meat substitutions. If you get the chance try the Impossible Burger, it's AMAZING. Now while meat substitutions are fun to review, a mix of both meat substitutions and whole plant based dishes would be the best way to go in my opinion.


It would be so cool to have a chef vs chef challenge using this burger patty as the key ingredient! I’d love to see Ben and James’ takes on it, assuming the patty can be broken down when raw and repurposed as a mince substitute 😍🤓


I really appreciate the efforts people are making towards a viable meat substitute. I worry that, in our zeal to do that, we won't adequately test this highly-contrived and heavily-processed product for long-term health effects. James - you're a grump but you're self-conscious about it which is just charming ;)


This is awesome! Thank you so much for making this. It might also be cool to show recipes that help minimize waste, like using scraps for a stock! =) Love the playful vibe of your show. Smooth editing. PS Mike, you have a lovely smile :P


I have come to like Jamie over the years.. no really!! He was vegan for a month?! Hats off man! And yes, coming from Indian vegetarian point of view, no meat substitutes please.. celebrate the vegetables and dishes and can be brought to the plate with them, not masquerade as meat looking substances


So, as a meat eater that also enjoys high quality vegetables, I think that the answer to Jaime's question is yes. Yes on both counts. I am personally trying to reduce my personal consumption of meat. I only eat red meat once or twice every two weeks, and I am really trying to only eat white meats like chicken and turkey three times a week. Something like this, or like the Impossible Burger are very helpful to me in achieving that. I also really enjoy things that celebrate high quality, delicious veggies, and (like James) I don't like things like seitan or traditional meat "substitutes".

Also, stay grumpy, James, stay grumpy. Your snark is amazing and very amusing.
