Entity Framework core 7.0 ( DB First Approach & Code First Approach) | .NET 7 Updates
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This video explains Entity Framework core 7.0 in .NET Core with DB First & Code Approaches.
The Entity Framework provides three approaches to create an entity model
1, Database First
2, Code First
3, Model First
Required packages
* Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
* Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
* Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
* Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
Structure of scaffold command is shown below
Scaffold-DbContext [-Connection] [-Provider] [-OutputDir] [-Context] [-Schemas] [-Tables]
[-DataAnnotations] [-Force] [-Project] [-StartupProject] [CommonParameters]
1, Connection – used to provide connection string
2, Provider – used to provide the Provider info
3, OutputDir – Generate model in specific folder
4, Context - provide name of our database context
5, contextDir - Generate dbcontext in specific folder
6, tables – generate models for specific tables
7, DataAnnotations – Generate models with data annotations
8, Force – forcedly updating the existing files
Sample Scaffold command
Scaffold-DbContext –connection name=constring Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Repos/Models –context dbfirstcontext –contextDir Repos –DataAnnotations -f
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This video explains Entity Framework core 7.0 in .NET Core with DB First & Code Approaches.
The Entity Framework provides three approaches to create an entity model
1, Database First
2, Code First
3, Model First
Required packages
* Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
* Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
* Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
* Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
Structure of scaffold command is shown below
Scaffold-DbContext [-Connection] [-Provider] [-OutputDir] [-Context] [-Schemas] [-Tables]
[-DataAnnotations] [-Force] [-Project] [-StartupProject] [CommonParameters]
1, Connection – used to provide connection string
2, Provider – used to provide the Provider info
3, OutputDir – Generate model in specific folder
4, Context - provide name of our database context
5, contextDir - Generate dbcontext in specific folder
6, tables – generate models for specific tables
7, DataAnnotations – Generate models with data annotations
8, Force – forcedly updating the existing files
Sample Scaffold command
Scaffold-DbContext –connection name=constring Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Repos/Models –context dbfirstcontext –contextDir Repos –DataAnnotations -f
GitHub Source code link
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