What Lead Me to My Psychiatrist? | When to See a Psychiatrist?

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In this video, I talk about what lead me to my psychiatrist.

After seeing my first therapist for a few weeks, he suggested that I look for a psychiatrist. While talk therapy for depression could be effective, medication to correct a chemical imbalance in the brain could also be very helpful.

I set off to see my family doctor in hopes that he could point me to a psychiatrist that could treat my adult ADHD and depression.

Check out the video to see how it all turned out.

Рекомендации по теме

I can't believe there are no comments for this video. You are an inspiration to me to get diagnosed for my ADHD.

The fact your psychatrist dismissed you, is absolutely unacceptable, psychatrist are suppose to assist you, not tell you, you are wrong. They are supposed to ask you open ended question to figure out if you are wrong. Good job on kicking him out of your life, he sounds like a real piece.

To add,
Your camera angles, and production are refreshing, you do a good job. thank you for being a contributing member. Keep making these videos, and enjoy the free view from me.


It's been two and half years since you filmed this. I have adhd-pi but am not diagnosed.
