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The thriving borzoi community on YouTube going strong as always


I just love how borzois have become a meme. The was a long time coming.


this music is exactly what i imagine it to sound like in their heads at all times


A borzoi walks into the bar, and the bartender asks him, "Why the long face?"
The borzoi, not understanding speech, merely pisses on the floor and leaves.


Imagine showing this video to an 18th century Russian horseman who used borzois to hunt wolves on the steppes


One time my borzoi boy got excited when he saw a familiar dog on our walk and during his happy tap-dance he tangled his back legs on my other dog's leash and down he went while trying to spin around to untangle himself. The ditch next to us had a downward slope so while falling he naturally rolled on his back at the bottom and got stuck with his legs swinging in the air. Like the true drama llama he is, he started not howling, but *yelling* at full throttle (don't worry, he was physically fine - like said, he's a true theater major) and of course every person nearby turned to look because let me tell you, everybody inside a mile of us had to hear him loud and clear - I think my ears are still ringing years later.

So there I stood in the ditch, hanging on to the ungodly long swinging wolverine paws trying to keep him still so I can untangle his legs from the leash (while he was struggling with it he just tangled it tighter), standing over this massive white screaming fur-monster - looking like I'm trying to pull some kind of polar bear/horse hybrid out of the depths of the ground.

And I'm pretty sure some neighbors were about to call the cops on me - I don't blame them, it probably looked like I'm torturing the poor creature - when I finally got the leash untangled and just like that he shut up, stood up calmly, sassily shook himself and turned to look at me down his very long nose ''So what's the hold up mom, let's keep going.'' And I just awkwardly smiled at the onlookers ''see, he's fine, nothing wrong here'' and proceed to avoid that street for the next few years when taking a walk with him

This is just one of the many memorable (often awkward) moments I have went through with this llama dude.


0:05 "Identity theft is not a joke, Jim."


I like how it starts and ends with the doggo thinking about being a fish 🐟


it was the of times,
it was the of times,
it was the of wisdom,
it was the of foolishness,
it was the of belief,
it was the of incredulity,
it was the of light,
it was the of darkness,
it was the of hope,
it was the of despair.


The fact that these dogs were made too hunt wolves make them so much funnier


Have you ever stopped to think about the inner lives of dogs? While they may not have the ability to speak or express themselves in the same way that humans do, it's clear that they have their own unique thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. One can't help but wonder what goes on inside the


The internet collectively agrees that Borzois share half a braincell and we love them for it


2008: Youtube is not for slideshows“


If the "Important videos" playlist got a sequel, this video would definitely be in there


These dogs look like they walked straight out of a Ghibli movie.


These dogs look like you downloaded custom sliders for Sims 3 with the pets expansion then gave them weird proportions for fun. like made them exaggeratedly tall and slim then stretched their snouts like a damn anteater.


Ah yes, the Russian armor-piercing fur missile.


0:17 The fact that the loop isn't seamless just makes me laugh every time for some reason.


The anteater's tongue is covered with thousands of tiny hooks called filiform papillae which are used to hold the insects together with large amounts of saliva. Swallowing and the movement of the tongue are aided by side-to-side movements of the jaws. The tongue is attached to the sternum and moves very quickly, flicking 150 times per minute. The anteater's stomach, similar to a bird's gizzard, has hardened folds and uses strong contractions to grind the insects, a digestive process assisted by small amounts of ingested sand and dirt.


In the age of the internet, where every click of the mouse can lead to unimaginable discoveries, a chance encounter with a low-quality montage of Borzois set to the backdrop of video game music became the catalyst for a profound and enduring transformation in my life.

This unexpected rendezvous took place during one of my late-night internet escapades, a digital journey of distraction from the routines of the day. As I mindlessly scrolled through the infinite ocean of online content, I happened upon a video featuring Borzois, Russian wolfhounds of exceptional grace and beauty. The video, however, was far from being a polished masterpiece. Instead, it seemed to be cobbled together with a mix of seemingly random clips, offering no pretense of high production quality.

The Borzois, though, were a sight to behold. Their elegant and carefree prancing was a dance of joy and elegance, and their long, flowing coats caught the light in a way that added an ethereal quality to the scene. The unexpected element that added a touch of magic to this video was the use of video game music as the accompanying soundtrack. The familiar tunes, taken from beloved video game series, lent an air of nostalgia and adventure to the Borzois' playfulness.

The interplay of the Borzois' simple joy and the beloved video game music struck a chord deep within me. It was as if these magnificent creatures were dancing to the rhythms of a fantastical world, defying the confines of reality. This juxtaposition of the ordinary and the extraordinary was profoundly captivating. I was captivated by the idea that life, in all its simplicity, could be infused with enchantment and wonder.

As days turned into weeks, the low-quality Borzoi montage and its video game music score became a ritual in my daily life. The raw and unfiltered nature of the video only heightened its charm, emphasizing that the ordinary could be just as beautiful as the extraordinary. The Borzois, through their unrestrained merriment, reminded me that every moment, no matter how trivial, held the potential for extraordinary beauty.

The choice of video game music was another layer of significance. These melodies, once the backdrop to countless digital adventures and epic quests, now served as the soundtrack to the Borzois' graceful play. It brought back memories of exploration, triumph, and the resilience required to overcome life's challenges. These melodies sparked a reimagining of my life as a grand adventure, with hurdles to overcome and mysteries to solve.

As my attachment to the Borzois and their joy-filled escapades deepened, so did my appreciation for video game music. I found myself exploring the full range of compositions from the video game series featured in the montage. These seemingly simple tunes revealed themselves to be profound works of art, filled with emotion and depth. They conveyed stories and sentiments that resonated with my own journey.

The impact of this unassuming video was not confined to my personal enjoyment. It ignited a creative spark within me, and I began to explore video game music as a form of artistic expression. I started composing my own melodies, each telling a story of adventure, exploration, and the pursuit of dreams. The Borzois had unknowingly become my muse, inspiring me to weave tales through music.

This newfound creativity led me to explore other forms of artistic expression. I ventured into the world of visual arts and literature, all inspired by the Borzois' carefree joy and the music that accompanied them. My circle of creative friends expanded, and I found myself collaborating on various projects that celebrated the intersection of art and life.

In a symbolic gesture of embracing adventure and beauty in the ordinary, I adopted a Borzoi of my own, naming him 'Atlas' as an ode to the video game world that had brought so much inspiration into my life. Atlas became a loyal companion, a reminder that life was meant to be a grand adventure filled with love, laughter, and unexpected moments of magic.

The low-quality montage of Borzois and video game music served as an unlikely catalyst for a profound transformation in my life. It taught me to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, to infuse my daily life with the magic of my passions and dreams, and to embrace the spirit of adventure. It was a reminder that inspiration can emerge from the most unexpected sources, and that the digital realm is a treasure trove of opportunities waiting to be discovered.

In a world where we are often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of online content, this humble video stood out as a testament to the power of simplicity, the ability of the unpretentious to inspire, and the hidden magic in the everyday. It left an indelible mark, forever altering the course of my life and reminding me that beauty and inspiration can be found where you least expect them.
