If I was being bullied in a movie I would not let it slide 😂 CookieKinggg
If I was being bullied in a movie I would not let it slide 😂
Bro had hundreds of dollars for lunch- 💀 edengebremeskel
Bro had hundreds of dollars for lunch- 💀
Bros so broke, can’t even buy his own lunch💀 evansphil
Bros so broke, can’t even buy his own lunch💀
In the 90’s, was bullying in real life like in the movies that are going on in the 90’s? AlexGainChannel
In the 90’s, was bullying in real life like in the movies that are going on in the 90’s?
A bully like that probably doesn’t have a dad Eman-xkzc
A bully like that probably doesn’t have a dad
Keep the good work bro you make a lot of people laugh jidionjr
Keep the good work bro you make a lot of people laugh
its not even bullying anymore its just having opps freshwindscout
its not even bullying anymore its just having opps
we’ll never forget the Nebraska incident 😢 serfohid
we’ll never forget the Nebraska incident 😢
hence this guy accepted that he is a NERD. IllIIIIIIllll
hence this guy accepted that he is a NERD.
"Broke boy can't buy his own book." Swordsmanヅ
"Broke boy can't buy his own book."
Let’s goooo, show the dude who’s boss! Friggin’ bully gotta buy a book on how to read lol CoopOtter
Let’s goooo, show the dude who’s boss! Friggin’ bully gotta buy a book on how to read lol
Yeah but then you are beat until you can't do nothing more because he is not alone. handesonrenatoguimaraes
Yeah but then you are beat until you can't do nothing more because he is not alone.
Actually there's no bully in my school because if there is a bully at my school they already done for wkwkwk
Actually there's no bully in my school because if there is a bully at my school they already done for
The kid who bullied me everyday day now I know what to do to bully him ZeyadCloud-zs
The kid who bullied me everyday day now I know what to do to bully him
bro look goofy asf dont reccomend channel aquaticwater
bro look goofy asf dont reccomend channel