Top 10 Classified Documents LEAKED By The Government - Part 2

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Top 10 Classified Documents LEAKED By The Government - Part 2

These government documents from NASA and the Pentagon have caused a lot of discord and debate, as they reveal a lot about the history of the government and its secrets. If you're interested in history or secrets, be sure to watch this video to learn more about the Top 10 Classified Documents LEAKED By The Government - Part 2 right here on Most Amazing Top 10!

#classified #top10 #goverment #documents #leaked #scary #unsettling #evidence #convincing #mysteries #unexplained #mostamazingtop10 #weirdest #space #aliens #ufo

Watch The Previous Part Here: 👇

Time Codes:
0:00- Ancient Sumerians
17:08- Chichen Itza
23:30- Tilda Swinton
29:52- Project Minaret
39:56- Parallel Wedding
51:44- The Swap
1:00:08- Energy Loop

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In the words of hecklefish LIZZIIID PEOPLE


So good to see you as hosts again!!! 😄


Steve Buchemi portrayed Knucky Thompson soooo well in Boardwalk Empire.


i live in a parallel dimension where everything that can be backed up with facts is called a conspiracy theory


Electric cars need electricity to run. Power plants produce electricity using "fossil fuels."


My own personal alternate universe experience. So I have vivid memories of being in this hospital. Two major health problems were diagnosed in this hospital. I even met a guy there and had a relationship with him. When my lawyer was looking over my medical records he couldn't find this hospital. It doesn't exist (in this universe) but I clearly remember being there.


This makes me feel like I am in a nightmare. That there is no such thing as reality.


The watchers of this program are way more intelligent than Colbert watchers.


Pass, Present and Future are you; what you do today makes you react wiser when you young, what you do today prepares you for what you do tomorrow. But you can’t stop living today because no versions of you would exist at all.


What do we call UFO’s when we identify them?


With the whole death/wake as a different you thing, I've had that thought since an event that happened to me on the 27th September 2014. I was browsing the internet, but then looking out the window above me, I could see the world ending around me. Depressed by this, I got my coat and shoes on, and I headed down to the local river to drown myself.

The cold river water snapped me out of this world ending illusion I was having. I headed home, showered, and went back to browsing the internet. Looking out the window above me again, I saw the same illusion that the world was ending around me. Depressed again, I got dressed, went out into town, and found a wall about 2 stories high. I threw myself off of the wall and found myself laying in a grassy area with a broken right ankle. The world ending illusion was once again gone.

After being in hospital for a little while, I returned home. I was shown where I was found, only there was absolutely no grass in the area.

Since then, I wondered if maybe I died and was now in the body of another me. I had all the same medical problems etc, but some small things were different. So on the 27th September 2014, did I actually die twice, but I was totally unaware of it? Did I successfully drown myself, but awoke as myself in another universe where I survived? Did I then succeed in killing myself jumping off of that wall, but awoke as myself once again in a different universe? Am I dead in 2 different universes now, only I'm not even aware of it?

If it could happen, then how many times have I possibly died at this point? I was run down by a car as a kid. Did I die when that happened, but just awoke as a me who wasn't killed? As a teen, I was in a car crash. Did that kill me too? I ended up developing epilepsy after that car crash.

After trying to think of major accidents, there's possibly 4 universes where I'm actually dead now. One where I died when I was a kid, one where I died as a teen, and 2 where I died on the same day: 27th September 2014.

How bizarre would it be that we could die in an accident, but we just awaken as a ourselves in another universe where we survived and are totally unaware we actually died. If this could happen, how many universes can you think of where you're possibly dead now, but you don't realise it?


FLIR ... Forward, Looking, Infrared, radar Gimbal . The device that keeps a camera steady while mounted on something moving..
A Gofast is the name that pilots use to identify UFOs ...


That is so cool, and I would love to meet with these ufo


If u listen to Bob Lazer he explains why that ufo looks like it's rotating


I always feel 10 times smarter when Olivia reports 💚


Mark blinked 3 times in first very short clip of him. Like 3 times in 10 seconds


The burn on the man's shirt doesn't match up to the burns on his chest.


Dang pipi longstocking is a content creator!?!? 😂


He did not invent the Tesla. He was part of the main team, and eventually took over the Tesla brand.


I feel like I’m in a parallel universe every day. Too much déjà vu. Like for example I feel like I’ve seen this video thousand times. No seriously. I’m not kidding and yes, I know it’s a pile of videos, probably from throughout the past years. But still I feel like I watched the same compilation a thousand times.
