Woman began relationship with 'orgy-loving' Oxfam ex-Haiti chief at 17 | ITV News

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Mikelange Gabo told ITV News that Roland van Hauwermeiren, who ran the Oxfam operation from Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, took her number and sent her gifts after her baby was born in 2011 before their sexual relationship began when she was still 17.

ITV News Correspondent Juliet Bremner reports as Oxfam's funding becomes severely threatened by the fallout from its handling of the 2011 sex scandal.

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She explained that the secirity guard said to her the guy had to leave because he lost 1 million dollars but yet they didnt put it in the caption .
Why this information was left out .
Where this Million dollar go???


Charities need to be checked out more rigorously and they need to check their employees more rigorously - They should be made to be responsible for their actions - fined and/or closed down - All organizations are capable of covering up abuse. Perverts and scumbags use these organizations to gain access to people for their own sexual purposes.


May seem messed up, but this is what’s going on in America as well. People are in hard times and use sex to get resources


In reality she is not very unsatisfied.


So only women victims of abuse can come forward??? Geeeeze! Do you think aid workers don’t abuse men, especially little boys??? 🤔
