Advertising on OTT, CTV and Linear TV Explained

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📍 Hello, and welcome back to the LeadsRx Attribution Marketing channel here on YouTube. On today's episode, we are going to be talking about OTT and CTV and how you can measure and to accurately track how well those campaigns are performing - just like your other digital campaigns. So stay tuned.

Now OTT and CTV are very popular ways of advertising and getting your messaging on TV in an advertising format, but they are in fact, different not only different from each other, but different from traditional TV advertising as well. So let's break that down first.

📍 First off OTT is generally the delivery of video on demand through a typical streaming provider and OTT stands for over the top, which basically implies that they are circumventing or going around the traditional TV players to bring you that digital streaming content. Now that differs from CTV in a few ways.

Mainly the difference in CTV is that the device is more natively, internet connected. That might be a smart TV or gaming console, but 📍 otherwise the device is always connected to wifi. And behaves more like a traditional internet connected device. That's what makes CTV special?

And lastly linear TV 📍 or traditional TV is just the TV that you would tune into through your cable provider or even the bunny ears or rabbit ears, antenna that would bring you ABC NBC and the over the air channels as well.

So those are your three options, OTT, CTV, and linear or traditional TV.

For this video, we're mainly just going to be talking about OTT and CTV almost synonymously, although they are different we're just going to refer to them both as OTT. The bottom line , is that the content is digital it's streaming, and it can be accessed on demand as opposed to Linear, which is live and static and typically not connected to the internet in any way.

Normally TV and that broadcast medium in general is typically used for raising awareness or getting your brand out there as opposed to performance driven advertising like Google search or even social media ads.

But that perception is starting to change because with new technology, 📍 you can really measure OTT and CTV in a very unique way that brings those results into the same ecosystem as the rest of your digital marketing strategies. And when those two channels are found together, you can really net out the effect of what OTT is or is not delivering as it pertains to your KPIs and metrics that you're trying to optimize for.

📍 All of these new technological features and the broad reach of TV in general has really led to a ton of growth in this channel. There will nearly be $20 billion spent in 2022, just on OTT and CTV combined.

So is CTV or OTT really worth it. Should you invest in that channel? Let's look at a few reasons why you might consider bringing OTT or CTV into your marketing mix.

If you're considering getting started with OTT and you want to really learn how this works. I encourage you to sign up for a free demonstration of our LeadsRx multi-touch attribution software on this demonstration. We're going to break down exactly how LeadsRx is able to capture OTT. CTV and even linear TV and bring it alongside the rest of your other advertising strategies and campaigns. So that you have one single source of truth about what is working and what is not. With this real-time data you can make in-flight optimization changes to all your campaigns on OTT, digital and everything in between.

So, what are your thoughts on OTT? Have you had success on the channel? If, so, let us know what's worked for you in the comments below. If you found this video helpful, please like it and subscribe to the channel for more content like this. This is the attribution marketing channel signing off.


🔥 The Online Domino Community and Domino Entertainment Hybrid Event's is definitely in the building 🏫.


Great content. Good explanation of OTT and CTV.
