5 Key Principles for Property Investment & Financial Freedom for Australians. The 5/4/1 Rule [018]

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Recently, various policies have been introduced in the Australian housing market that target property investors. Whether it's rental restrictions, short-term rental surcharges, or significant increases in land tax, each policy has a clear aim: to tax property investors more, support renters and first-time homebuyers. Many seasoned property investors were caught off guard. Moreover, of the 1.2 million homes planned to be built within the next 5 years, a significant portion are government-subsidised affordable housing and public housing funded by taxpayers. These are often located in prime urban areas, which might depress property values in those regions. The logic behind Australian property investment has shifted, and this trend is expected to last until at least May 2025. Why this shift in policy? Can property investment still be profitable? How can investors protect their interests and avoid risks? Understanding the 5 key principles for success in this new framework is crucial, especially the 5/4/1 rule.

00:00 5 Key Principles for Property Investment & Financial Freedom for Australians
01:16 Policy Shift
05:40 5. Stay Updated with Policy Changes
06:56 4. Focus on Long-term Appreciation
07:57 3. Follow the People
09:01 2. Maintain a Financial Buffer (Emergency Fund)
10:21 1. The 5/4/1 Rule

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