Can Saying 'I Love You' Too Soon Ruin A Relationship?

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It’s been 3 days and he’s already said he loves me. He hasn’t even told his parents about us. 😕


I don't know why girls make such a big deal over a guy. Be patient and stop being so in a hurry! Also stop thinking about marriage so much and just live for today! You're putting too much pressure on the guy and that's not cool!


I had a guy tell me that he loves me before I even had a first date with him. Felt a lot of pressure and decided I didn't want to meet him. Now 2 days later he's in another relationship. What a liar. More like trying to be me to get in my pants x:


I was just seeing this guy for a couple weeks. Yesterday he told me he just didn't feel as good a connection as he'd thought. I am so hurt and upset right now and I liked him so much. Another thing is we did sort of rush into things as well and I feel maybe things would be different if we had taken things much slower.


Love your videos! Keep up the good work 💚


He said, I love you since the 2nd date. My mistake was saying it back without actually meaning it and I told him afterwards (4 days b4 our first month together) that I didn't like saying it because I feel like it's too early in the relationship for me to say it. He broke up with me saying I don't want anyone who doesn't love me back.


I said it after a month and scared her away


What if a boy says "I love you" before the relationship even starts what does that mean


I accidentally told new gf I loved her too soon, didn't even mean to say it, it just popped out 😥


My friend an I have only been seeing each other for 2 weeks.And he will throw out the "love bomb"To me & it's very uncomfortable for me ! I, have let him know that this is impossible it just two weeks. And I need and want to take things slow. Please I need advice


I said it too early and now we are slowing things down because it overwhelmed him but i still feel alot of love for him. How do i stop so i dont mess up again til he is ready?


DatingLogic the only time i talk to her when she said me and my coworker merry christmas and happy new year with a smile and i said to her thank you after i not see her in 3 months since december so she saw me i was walking she inside a room walk pass her the room where she was at while putting some folders on a table and i was hearing the footsteps behind me when i was walking so i arrived my room to check in my computer instead of walking back to her office room she stops in the halway looks at me(stares)while she is doing her folders and i look at her too and then she walks back to her office


What happened if a girl says she love you and a girl is a woman and what do that mean


DatingLogic it was tuesday morning i was working i was at my officemy shoes was in the back my size are 18 she was walking passing around with luggages
with folders i was sitting in my office she looking at my right quick look but i was seing in the mirror then she was pushing lugguages back

and forth doing the same thing im talking about a black girl. then her white friend was walking back and then her white friend was walking back and forth then the black girl who happened to be her friend i did not know walking again that was around my section  she is looking at my shoes and looks at me walks again and come backs to her office
both of them went on a break while i was reading my book then they came back 30 minutes after her white friend freak out about
my shoes size asked is there any basketball player over here and ask who shoes are those? i said those are mines she could not believe it


DatingLogic is at my jobshe was staring at me but first time i saw her she was kinda looking at me but i wasnt noticing at all because im new at my job there im 6ft7 and then i was working on christmas with someone else and she wish us merry christmas and happy new year but she directly looking at me then next 3 months she was kinda staring me also when i walk pass her she was right behind walking while holding folders in her hand. then she stared at me quick second


DatingLogic that was the white girl who freaked out her black friend then again black girl walk back again holding her folders walking around my section again there you have my 3 stories what it means exatly? what you think of the whole situation? is this sign of interest ? does she wants attention?
