The reason behind Guatemala's decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem.

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Guatemalan right-wing president Jimmy Morales has announced that, his country is following American decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Baitul Mukaddas or to Jerusalem after telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Earlier this, the United Nations General Assembly announced it was rejected US President Donald Trump’s statement that, Jerusalem was acknowledged as Israel's capital.
Trump threatened before the General Assembly voting, the financial assistance will be discontinued of those countries who will vote against his decision. However, most of the countries in the world have opposed Trump's decision and voted for the proposal.
Guatemala and Honduras are among the eight countries in the world who voted in favor of Trump’s proposal. These Latin American countries are dependent on American financial support.
But on December 6, after the controversial announcement of Trump, most Latin American countries, like all other countries in the world, strongly condemned the US president. These countries declared Trump's declaration violated international law.
Political analysts say that, Guatemala has followed the US policy on Jerusalem in the context of fears that the financial support of the US will be stopped. According to them, eight countries who voted against the resolution of the General Assembly, including Guatemala, have sold their own self-determination, independence and sovereignty in exchange for a few dollars.
But the hope is that, the people of Latin countries which are pursuing US policy in relation to Jerusalem like Guatemala, do not support this view of the government. Arab-born citizens living in Latin America have convinced the local people that, Jerusalem is not only the property of Arabs or Muslims, but it also has a partnership with Christians. Therefore, if there only a religion linked with this, then the other two religions will be dishonored. (26-12-2017)
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No powerful nation followed the US path!?


america is not a coutry ..america is a continent.we all are american..i am one centralAmerican..


Nations will rise but Israel is a unmovable Rock Zechariah 12:3


I know for an invitation to the white house and 20 bucks money money money.
