Binary Logistic Regression Explained in HINDI with Python Example | Logistic Regression in HINDI

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In this video, we will explore binary logistic regression, a popular machine learning algorithm used for classification tasks. We will explain the concept of logistic regression in Hindi and demonstrate its implementation using Python. Logistic regression is a powerful technique that allows us to predict binary outcomes based on input features. By the end of this video, you will have a clear understanding of binary logistic regression and how it can be applied in real-world scenarios using Python. Join us as we delve into this topic and unlock the potential of logistic regression for your machine learning projects.

Binary Logistic Regression Explained in HINDI with Python Example | Logistic Regression in HINDI

▪ What is Logistic Regression?
▪ Types of Logistic Regression
▪ Binary Logistic regression with python example
▪ practical implementation of Logistic Regression
▪ Machine Learning Hyperparameter


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