Friday Night Funkin' - Perfect Combo - Mount Silver over Lost Silver Mod [HARD]

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Alright, I know this mod doesn't actually change the chart, but my GOD I just had to cover it, it's genuinely one of the coolest reskins/remix mods I've ever seen. The new Lost Silver sprite looks INCREDIBLE, it genuinely looks so much like the original artstyle and the animations are so damn expressive, I especially really like the up sprite, it looks kinda sad! Genuinely incredible mod, it was super fun playing through it and it was just really nice to look at and to listen to!! I'd love to see more Lost Silver stuff like this, goes to show how amazing a simple sprite change and remix can be if really talented people work on it! Hope you guys enjoy!

0:00 - Monochrome (Remix)

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Channel Info:
This channel consists of videos about modifications to a rhythmic video game (some of which I personally worked on) that range from slightly difficult to very hard for most players. Four arrows fly towards the screen forcing you to press them at the right time to the music. Hitting all the arrows in a song counts as a "Full Combo", which is very hard to do and takes a lot of time and practice to be able to do consistently and is the main gimmick of my channel, which I showcase in each video. I also include secrets and extra content that might’ve been undiscovered and show them off through instructional and entertaining ways that can be used as guides, as well as occasionally adding my own input on things happening in the video, all done through my creative editing style that focuses on being concise and transformative. In the descriptions I give my in-depth opinion on the video game as well as timestamps for each part of the video. All the videos were played, recorded and edited by me. #FridayNightFunkin #FNF #Flippy
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I remember reading the original story for Lost on Mt Silver and not only is my nostalgia going crazy, but the reskin looks great too. Huge props to the creator.


Seeing it like this makes me very sad, the remix feels very cold (as it should be) and the sprites look very incredible especially the up arrow that seems to ask the player for help. Simply Epic


He looks like he's reaching out for help but can't find anything or anyone. This mod is cruel but so good and well made at the same time.


Left: *Sad and cold*
Down: *Looks like he's been asked to explain himself*
Right: *Ooh look what's over there, OH, OH NO*


2 things the dev said.

First, he did want to change the “I’m Dead” to “I’m Cold” or something. He just said that he can’t voice act very well.

Second, he would like to change up the unknown text, but it’s hard coded in. To change it would mean the user would have to compile the file or include the entire mod(he didn’t feel comfortable in including the mod with only one changed song).

Easily one of my favorite FNF mods. Always preferred mount silver creepypasta.


This skin is so cool
The horror factor of the original lost silver is replaced by a feeling that gold is hopeless and desperate
And the skin is generally so well made


Love how gold has become the ceo of pain and suffering in fnf. Suprised we got a snow on mt silver reskin before a strangled red one. Also the "I'm dead" should have been replaced by "I'm cold"


I love how there’s a heartbeat at the end that’s slowing down, it’s so subtle but once you realize it, it really matches this feeling of desperation.


Here is a translation for what the Unknown's say:

1:05 GET OUT
1:32 BOO!


1:58 This moment just gives me chills for some reason, it’s like Gold is trying his best to warm himself up with his fast movements and even mumbling his mouth, making noises, he’s really desperate to warm himself, even moving his mouth as fast as he can, he needs to move every part of his body he can move just to heat himself up.


The original monochrome is creepy just from the body horror alone, and even though I think you still need to read the original creepypasta for the full context, this reskin manages to take it to a whole new level of mortifying because it tells a more complete story with only a few redone sprites. It reminds us that Gold is only a kid, now without any companions, dangerously close to starving, and becoming pale from the constant ice that surrounds him. Everything is going black...and Gold struggles to use every bit of his willpower just to stay conscious, desperately calling for anyone's help, even the player's, to save him from the frost and whatever else may be lurking in the dark...if literally witnessing a person's final moments isn't a sign for one of the most unnerving experiences fnf can offer, I don't know what is...


honestly, for me, the worst part (not in the mod being bad, but in soul-crushing juice) has to be how there's no screen-filling screamer, and gold just uses his normal note animations, thus making it look like he's screaming for help


Gold: literally dying and begging for help

Boyfriend: Wow, that's cool, anyway, let's sing


This version is scary in another way. Because he still has an eye, you can feel empathy towards his pain and suffering. He looks human in this one, terrifying.


this is such a good reskin. It has so much expression and it really puts that feeling of an infinite void with no hope left and nobody in it but gold. The music helps as well. It gives it a more darker feeling.


This creepypasta unnerved me so much when I first read it but not in a scary way though, it was more depressing. And the fan games were pretty unsettling too. I also felt that this one was pretty underrated so I'm surprised to see anyone else remembered it and made a mod about it. Really awesome stuff! The skin for Gold looks sick too. They're so chilling and very well done.


2:05 Notice that the kick is synced at first. But then it slows down until it completely unsynchronize and disappears together with Silver. Only at that point I realized that was a fading heart beat.
Author has put so much work in these little details...


I love the details and how it shows that Gold is pretty much in the process of dying. Missing one eye and one leg as he's slowly freezing to death. This could also be like a way he found of trying to reach someone for help before he dies


The sad part about this is that gold can't actually die, in the creepypasta Reds Pikachu used destiny bond which linked gold and Pikachu together, meaning they never die
He's just left in cold undying agony


Seeing BEN drowned, hypnos lullaby, lost silver and now Snow on Mt. Silver get a revival in FNF brings a smile to my face. I always considered snow on mt silver to be an underrated Pokemon creepypasta as it never got as popular as the other ones so it's cool to see it get some love alongside the other pastas.
