MWTM Q&A #23 - Steve Albini

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Exceptional Weeklong Music Production Seminars
The MIX With The MASTERS Seminar Series is a chance for recording and mixing engineers to work closely with A-List record producers, engineers and mixers and improve their skills in music production. The events take place at Studio La Fabrique in the South of France.

At the end of his Weeklong Seminar in February 2015, Producer/Engineer Steve Albini took the time to answer a few questions from the MWTM Facebook Page.
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RIP, one of the greatest to ever record music.


If you find Steve boring, tedious, etc., I´m afraid that is your loss, folks. The guy is a damn encyclopedia of recording (at least for rock music). I can listen to this guy ´til the day I die. He is not shy to share 35 years of his experience for free, and much of his knowledge applies a lot to the modern "project studio" approach. So, if you´re on a budget, starting out, or as he points out, you don´t want to get into a huge debt with a recording school, you might pay some attention to him. He might not be hip or flamboyant, but damn he knows his shit.


To anyone thinking of getting into mountains of debt to attend a recording school I'd highly recommend, instead, that you start building up a small recording studio of your own. It will be much cheaper than student debt and you'll learn ten times more, ten times faster.


Steve is what professionalism in the music industry ought to be.


Honest to god, you can see in his face how he's considering responding to a question, and then he says the MOST intelligent, kind, thoughtful, encompassing response to every question he's asked. He's a living example of how to be, like, a PERSON.


0:21 - Have you got any tips on separating two similar sounding electric guitars in a mix?
7:22 - Could you recreate your signature drum sound if you had to work in a basic project studio and how? What if you had to work with samples?
15:10 - What do you think about recording schools? What is the best way for a young engineer to become an assistant to somebody great like you? P.S. Some of the records you have engineered are the ones that inspired me as a musician and mixing engineer.
23:29 - Please talk about the Ghost's first album. I love that record. Such an amazing sound on each instrument. Full, warm and sparkly at the same time. How did you do it?
24:40 - What do you feel the future of recordings holds for us? Do you think the sampling era is coming to end basically, and some sort of classical instruments renaissance is on its way back, even speaking of dance music?
30:41 - What bands are you listening to right now? What's your favorite band of all time and why is it the Ramones?
33:17 - Please describe a few in-session discoveries that immediately influenced and impacted your future recordings. Why do you think much of the community is disproportionately focused on their tools rather than their ability to make a record with them?
39:00 - My college professor at Ohio University showed us a technique you developed for mic'ing the kit, dubbed the "crotch mic". How did you develop this technique?
40:58 - Hi Steve, I love the records you've done. When you are mixing, are you thinking about how the mastering process will affect the final product? Thanks a lot.
45:23 - As an avid user of 2" tape on my MCI JH24, I often wonder if I am approaching my tracking too conservatively and leaving myself more work come mix time. Question: How much EQ and compression will you do on the way in? When combining multiple mics on sources, say kicks and snares for example, are you "treating" each track individually and then "treating" the source to track as well on a sub group prior to hitting tape?


The best sound Steve Albini has produced in his illustrious career.


What a humble guy. Clearly a deep thinker, and not just about his craft. Fascinating


I couldn't agree more with regards to Recording Schools being nothing but a way to make money and put passionate people in dangerous debts... I had my taste of it. Once I managed to become a studio assistant (NOT BECAUSE OF MY SCHOOL DEGREE, DIDN'T GET ANY HELP TO FIND A JOB IN THE INDUSTRY FROM SCHOOL), I took the "old path" during which I learned 100 times more (under every aspect, from technical to personal interaction with musicians). Steve you're such an inspiration. I do respect you in every possible way: your work and human ethic comes from another world, a better place indeed.


Cheers to Steve for knowing and pointing out the situation we have when it comes to for-profit schooling that has promises to provide a magical education but also cost extraordinary amounts of money, indebting either the student or the populous.


I could listen to this man for 8 hours straight, take a half hour break, and then start another 8 hours.


I don't know if you people are watching the same interview I am, or maybe your grasp of the English language is weak. I thought Steve answered very thoughtfully, and even provided examples of what he was talking about. I think is was thorough and has a breadth of knowledge which he very graciously is obviously taking the time to share with the viewers. Otherwise, he wouldn't have done these sessions to begin with, and more than once.


R.I.P! Dear Thor, what a Super Geek and Super Genius! Always been a huge fan, but here he lays it bare. A true treasure. A genius and a HUGE inspiration.!❤❤❤


Steve Albini is based, I would listen to an Albini podcast any day!


Definitely a sympathetic and highly thoughtful guy.


This is worth listening to, every minute. Thank you, Steve for being so open, and MWTM for not putting this behind a paywall. Total gold.


Albini is the man! He doesn't bullshit and tells it how it is.


Steve Albini is one of the people I look up to in the industry. Intelligent, dedicated, honest and trustworthy. Plus he captures great sounding recordings. Thanks for doing this interview.


The segment on “recording schools” hits home for many others I’m sure, in different vocations. For me, I could replace recording school with “culinary school”.


dude steve albini is such a cool dude
everytime i watch something with him i realize it once again
