Taking A Good Look At My Shelf | How many unread books do I have? How long would they take to read?

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I recently reorganised my bookshelves and it gave me a chance to evaluate all of the books that I own and take stock of just how many unread books I own. If you would like to take a good look at your shelf, the questions are below.

This video is Day 2 of my challenge to myself to upload 30 videos (at least) in the 30 Days before I turn 30.



📚 How many books do you own?
📚 Of the books that you own, how books have you read?
📚 How many books have you hauled this year / recently?
📚 How many of the unread books are you likely to prioritise?
📚 How many of the read books are you likely to re-read?
📚 How many books did you read last year?
📚 How many of the books that you read last year were physical?
📚 Now do the maths, if you didn't buy any more books, how long would it take to read all of your unread books?


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