Just A Little Talk With Jesus (Original/Spontaneous Piano Arr., Original Author Cleavant Derricks)

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Just a little "doodad" that I sat down and played. It's different than most of my stuff, and when I'm doing concerts and stuff, sometimes the simple toe-tappers get just as much appreciation (if not more) as the stuff I've worked on harder and for a longer period of time. Maybe you'll like it too? (Maybe not, haha!). But the words are wonderful!

As is the normal, I ommitted a verse on the piano arrangement for brevity's sake, and because I'm Baptist like that.

Verse 1
I once was lost in sin
But Jesus took me in
And then a little light
From heaven filled my soul
It bathed my heart in love
And wrote my name above
And just a little talk with Jesus
Made me whole

Now let us have a little talk with Jesus
Let us tell Him all about our troubles
He will hear our faintest cry
And He will answer by and by
Now when you feel a little pray'r wheel turning
And you know a little fire is burning
You will find a little talk with Jesus
Makes it right (it makes it right)

Verse 2
Sometimes my path seems drear
Without a ray of cheer
And then a cloud of doubt
May hide the light of day
The mists of sin may rise
And hide the starry skies
But just a little talk with Jesus
Clears the way

Verse 3
I may have doubts and fears
My eyes be filled with tears
But Jesus is a friend
Who watches day and night
I go to Him in pray'r
He knows my ev'ry care
And just a little talk with Jesus
Makes it right
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Just caught your channel. So uplifting. Just whar I needed at a time like this. May God Bless and Keep You.. JIm
