Taiwan's SECRET WEAPON against China - A History of TSMC

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I've been an entrepreneur for the last decade across multiple companies. I've done a lot of work in Silicon Valley, so that's mostly what I talk about. I've raised over 10 rounds of venture capital totaling over $100m in funding.

I work mostly in tech-enabled consumer packaged goods, meaning I use software to make the best products possible and then deliver them to the widest possible audience. I'm a big fan of machine learning, python programming, and motion graphics.



Disclaimer: This video is purely my opinion and should not be regarded as a primary source. I am not a financial advisor and this is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Always do your own due diligence.

Fascinating story about how an individual, facing staggering obstacles, obstacles that would defeat and crush most, drove himself to overcome those barriers and rise to the pinnacle of success, not only in his chosen field of engineering, but in business as well as socially. It is clear that his focus was in making things that would improve the lives of people everywhere and not merely to enrich and aggrandize himself. The world needs more individuals like Morris Chiang.


I worked as an equipment service engineer at TSMC from 1987 to 1990 and witnessed in real time the technological miracle of the company's growth. Dr. Morris Chang is a true visionary that could see clearly over the horizon to help build Taiwan into the technological miracle it is today. I'm surprised you didn't mention TSMC's new fab construction in Phoenix, AZ.


As an electronic engineer I knew bits of this story. But never heard it laid out so well, thank you. Just subscribed.


what an inspirational story of perseverance and achievement! You can tell Morris Chang dedicated his heart and soul into the company when he just keeps coming back from retirement.


Thanks so much for telling this incredible story of TSMC. This has been extremely informative. Please keep up the good work and keep your documentaries coming!


I like that the company was flexible enough for a CEO to retire, unretire to CEO again and then step down, remaining as a chairman. Its like they said "yeah, this guy knows what's up, I'm gonna step aside and let him do his thing".


I'm not even finished but this is super well done and very interesting. I've been wondering forever what the deal is between Taiwan and semiconductors and why they have a monopoly on it. Not in a bad way because I've been to Taiwan and I absolutely loved it. I would love to see this country become much more successful and get out of all the political mess that they're in with their neighbor. I'm really excited to finish this video I've got to do some calls but I probably watch this one a couple times. Excellent production and research


, No worries for me, I don't try to time the market. When I see that stock drops below its fair value with some margin of safety - I buy. Past 2-3 months have been huge shopping spree for me. I've got literally like 2000$ left of investing cash. Probably I will miss some occasions in the future months, but who cares as long as I got value?>


Can't imagine how much work went into this, John. Well done & as always super interesting 👏


John, your research and storytelling in such a tech jargon filled subject, while making it easy to understand and enjoyable is top notch. It’s easy to imagine you producing movies next.


A really impressive story. I think I remember seeing chips marked TSMC and wondering what that stood for. The man is a real wonder. Not many people can take what he went through, and still become such an incredible success.

A good friend of mine went to Taiwan in the 80s, to teach English. He was half Irish half Chinese. I remember him starting to learn Chinese in high school. Unfortunately, by the time I'd found out he had gone there, he'd already drowned, swimming in a river. For that reason, when Taiwan comes to mind, it makes me very sad...he was one of the best people I ever knew. He gave me a copy of The Source by James A. Michener, which I started reading right away...but forty-five years later, I still haven't finished. Heh.


This video is very educational and inspiring if you're going into business. The Morris thinks and acts, the idea of non competition and trust as a building model for great success sounds organic almost.


Man Watching you narrate this, was incredible. Really gave this mans story respect your you gave it knowledge passion and meaning .I had no idea this was so important. Thoroughly enjoyable thanks. Taiwanese people are so very humble and hard working. His life is a real Inspiration


Wow! What a story of a man who never gave up! He brought together everything he learned through his trials and tribilations, and eventually built a global semiconductor chip manufacturing empire!


There's also the stream lined industries surrounding TSMC physically in Taiwan that made it even harder to replicate elsewhere, from making the raw silicon manufacturer -> TSMC -> packaging -> testing.


Taiwan is very lucky to have been able to recruit a world class leader in Morris Chang. No other Taiwanese business leader came close to the level of execution, vision, and corporate culture he devloped at TSMC


Remarkable. I'm a little proud also that Philips played a part in the start of TSMC. And we all know the wafer steppers are made by a Dutch company, too.


Morris Chang story is remarkable
I love it when an older player can come back and achieve success in a young persons world
It’s never too late and age is just a number


Lived through all of this story. Married my wife after she left TI. Was programming Cray’s when we decided to start our own businesses. Saw the US put all there factories in other countries. Watched all the Austin factories go overseas.
Glad many good industries are coming back to the US! Great story! God Bless America!


Thanks for this light on TSMC. In the mid-'90s, my spouse went to work for Synopsys, an EDA company that designed semiconductor chips. While I may not have fully understood the context of their success, my spouse did. We invested a lot in Synopsys stock, and we both retired comfortably a few years ago. Understanding TSMC in this way helps me understand a bit more about our own success.
